i18n-editor copied to clipboard
Can't share project files between 2 computers running i18n
Hi, Thank you so much for making this awesome plugin available.
In all fairness, there is a small bug which is when you save your translation files and send them to someone else for editing, they don't work: http://prntscr.com/l3vvyu
Thank you Juni
Btw, It works only when you have one locale(language folder e.g. en) and if you want to add more languages you would first have to create a new locale and then overwrite the folder created by i18n with the one you got from your partner. Thought this could help anyone like me.
i18n editor only accepts two characters long language code(to name the folders; if your folder name is srp instead sr for suppose serbian language file then it won't work. You'll have to rename it to sr) so you should be careful about that.