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An work-in-progress markdown editor

Results 36 gambier issues
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Right now we're folder based. The user has to add a folder to the app before they can do anything. We should support single-document editing workflows. E.g. * Drag file...

Current implementation allows for multiple panels side-by-side, but one tab per panel. We should add the ability to have multiple tabs per panel (ala VSCode).

Per > If your app has no need for navigation, you can call event.preventDefault() in a will-navigate handler. If you know which pages your app might navigate to, check...

Given `This is a reference footnote [^pandoc]asd`, then `as` characters are included in the closing `md` class. Probably am failing to close off the `state.formatting` class, or some such.


Per the [CommonMark spec]( > When there are multiple matching link reference definitions, the first is used:


As-is, we get the following: 1. Copy URL to clipboard: `` 1. Select URL in `[Site](` 1. Paste URL. 1. Expected result: `[Site](` 1. Actual result: `[Site]([](` I think the...


Per Pandoc [Footnotes spec]( > Each footnote should be separated from surrounding content (including other footnotes) by blank lines


Example: `[The Uninhabitable Earth](`. The farthest right parentheses should close the link. But the second-farthest (at end of book) actually does.


See `markdown.js`. It's run multiple times on load. * First the whole doc parses, and each line is run twice. * Then the whole doc parses again, and each line...


As good a place as any to capture it. And it will help me remember (e.g. for future demos).
