Josh Smift
Josh Smift
Any ETA on this one? It's a blocker for deploying FV 1.0.x in GENI, which we'd like to announce at GEC 17 that we're going to do after GEC, but...
Nope, this hasn't happened again since the last update, at least not yet.
We've had a couple more incidents at I2 in the past few days, which we think might be the same as this bug. (All times UTC.) On 2013-08-17 at around...
No; we're not running RC versions on Internet2's production GENI FlowVisor. It's still 1.0.8.
AA> Would it be possible to find the actual message that generated this crash? Mm, maybe. To clarify, by "actual message", you mean like what API call was made immediately...
AA> No I was hoping for the actual openflow message. That's probably a long shot but you never know ;) Heh. I don't think anyone would have that, unless SoX...
Sure, but even if the switch is doing something totally wrong with the type (which I don't know enough about this to say whether it is or not), FV shouldn't...
Sorry, I thought I'd mentioned this earlier: No, no one happened to be running a packet capture at the time of the crash. Can you reproduce the bug? Can you...