The glyphless font deliberately uses equal width for every character. I stretch the the word using Tz in the PDF to make it fit. So I expect word highlighting to...
Tesseract's recognizer just finds words, and doesn't tell us anything about spaces. Which makes sense: how would an OCR program know if there is one space, two spaces, etc? We...
I took a look at the code. It looks like one can pretty easily remap U+0020 to an alternate glyph in the cidtogmap. It's been five years since the last...
I'll spend a little time right now and see what I can do. >
I tried the simplest thing possible, leaving the font alone and trying to use that glyph at index 0. I expected Adobe Reader to completely choke, and Pdfium/Chrome to work...
Attach the PDF and input image to bug, please.
There is exactly one call to PrepareDistortedPix() internally at Google.
Let's start with "why was it important to synchronize" and "why did we synchronize to libleptonica instead of libleft" ? Thanks.
I don't begrudge any of this. What I am is hopelessly behind on everything, always. I'm starting to doubt that I'm going to be able to get this past the...