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A clangd language server plugin for Atom
Provides C and C++ language support for Atom using Clangd language server
This plugin only provides some of the functionality designated by the language server protocol. This plugin currently enables many of the features supported by Clangd:
- Diagnostics (errors, warnings, info)
- Code Formatting
- Completion
- Fix-its
- Function signature help
- Document highlights
- ~~Go To Definition~~ (it will go to the declaration, but not the definition)
- ~~Rename~~ (not yet supported by Atom)
All contributions and feedback are appreciated.
- Atom 1.21 or later
- atom-ide-ui atom plugin
- Clangd executable installed in your path (prebuilt binaries)
Compilation Database
In order to make this plugin work effectively, clangd requires information about how your code should be compiled. There are two options: compile_commands.json, or compile_flags.txt.
CMake is currently your best bet for generating a compile_commands.json file.
The command to generate compile_commands.json along with your project looks
CMake doesn't include header information in the compile_commands.json file. To rectify this, I use a tool called compdb.
Clangd won't see your compile_commands.json file if it's placed in your build directory, so you should either symlink it to your project directory, or have compdb generate its output there.
Another supported solution is to make a compile_flags.txt file and place it in your project directory. Clangd will treat all project files with the same options. A simple compile_flags.txt might look something like this:
Areas of interest
- Automatic installation of Clangd