Unfortunately my work situation has required me to use VSCode rather than Atom, so this plugin has languished. Don't count on any updates.
@JerrySievert can you confirm that you're using version 0.3.0 of ide-clangd? More info would be helpful. @valerius21, are you still having this problem with the latest version?
Anyone still having these issues? If so, would like to know which version of clangd you're running. Version included with llvm+clang 6.0.0 has been very stable for me.
Hmmm this should not be happening. Can you tell me which version of the plugin you're using, and post your homebridge log?
thanks for reporting this! i’m out of town, but i’ll look into it as soon as i can.
Thanks for the report and the testing. This is still on my radar, I just haven't been able to circle back to it yet. Will need to look into the...
Thanks for the report. I don't have a way to test this, but try installing this branch: Your accessory config needs to include `"timeoutFix": true` for it to work....
CEC is pretty inconsistent and terrible. Don't tell anyone, but I don't even use it myself anymore. Thanks for validating it, though!
@kqyang My understanding is that, to support low-latency DASH using CMAF + chunked encoding, shaka-packager would only need to add support for the `BaseURL@availabilityTimeOffset` and the `BaseURL@availabilityTimeComplete` parameters. These parameters...
@aleek Thanks, I'll look into this also.