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Debian package for ufw, patched to work without connection tracking



What's in a name?

What does it mean? It has come to mean 'Uncomplicated Firewall', but you can change it to something more suitable if you want. If you like it, you might pick 'Universal Firewall', or 'Ultimate Firewall'. If you are not a fan, perhaps 'Unbearable Firewall'. Have fun!


python 2.5-2.7 (known to work with 2.5+, 2.6.2+, and 2.7.0) iptables 1.4* gettext /proc filesystem support Linux kernel configured with the following modules (not exhaustive): addrtype comment hl (IPv6) limit multiport recent state

  • Systems with iptables below 1.4 will not have IPv6 application rule support. ufw will give a warning when users try to use this functionality, but ufw will otherwise work fine. ufw is known to work with iptables 1.3.8 in this degraded mode.

ufw has been widely tested on Linux 2.6.24 and higher kernels. You may also use the check-requirements script in the tests/ directory to see if your system has all the required iptables/netfilter functionality.


Users can install with:

python ./setup.py install

$ python ./setup.py install --home=PREFIX

The interpreter used for setup.py is the one used for ufw. So if your system python is 2.4, but you have python2.5 available, use something like: $ python2.5 ./setup.py install --home=PREFIX

Distributions which install to a build directory for packaging can install with: $ python ./setup.py install --root=PREFIX

Eg: $ python ./setup.py install --root=/tmp/ufw

When installing ufw from source, you will also need to integrate it into your boot process for the firewall to start when you restart your system. Depending on your needs, this can be as simple as adding the following to a startup script (eg rc.local for systems that use it):

/lib/ufw/ufw-init start

For systems that use SysV initscripts, an example script is provided in doc/initscript.example. See doc/upstart.example for an Upstart example. Consult your distribution's documentation for the proper way to modify your boot process.

Basic Layout

/usr/sbin/ufw is the UI for people (have different backends) /etc/defaults/ufw high level configuration /etc/ufw/before[6].rules rules evaluated before UI added rules /etc/ufw/after[6].rules rules evaluated after UI added rules /lib/ufw/user[6].rules UI added rules (not to be modified) /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf kernel network tunables /lib/ufw/ufw-init start script


ufw enable|disable turn firewall on and off (including at boot) ufw default allow|deny updates default policy ufw logging on|off updates backend logging (*.rules) ufw status displays firewall status (user.rules only) ufw allow|deny|limit RULE add RULE to firewall

See 'man ufw' and also Ubuntu's tutorial at: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/firewall.html


ufw uses several chains to allow ease of use and flexibility. Control flow through the various chains is (essentially) as follows:

INPUT -> ufw-before-logging-input -> ufw-before-input -> ufw-user-input -> ufw-user-logging-input (rule specific) -> ufw-after-input -> ufw-after-logging-input -> ufw-reject-input -> return to INPUT

OUTPUT -> ufw-before-logging-output -> ufw-before-output -> ufw-user-output -> ufw-user-logging-output (rule specific) -> ufw-after-output -> ufw-after-logging-output -> ufw-reject-output -> return to OUTPUT

FORWARD -> ufw-before-logging-forward -> ufw-before-forward -> ufw-user-forward -> ufw-user-logging-forward (not used) -> ufw-after-forward -> ufw-after-logging-forward -> ufw-reject-forward -> return to FORWARD

The 'before' chains are setup in 'before.rules', the 'after' chains in 'after.rules' and the 'user' chains are maintained by ufw. If an administrator wants to add rules manually, the rules should be added to 'before.rules' and 'after.rules'. The 'reject' chains are used for when the default policy is set to REJECT (because iptables does not support REJECT as a target at this time). Keep in mind, when using REJECT as default policy, ufw may end up rejecting rules that are added outside of ufw and after ufw is started.

There is some default configuration in both 'before.rules' and 'after.rules', and this configuration is not displayed with 'ufw status' (but can always be viewed with 'iptables -L -n' or 'iptables -L [chain] -n'. See the iptables man page for details. There are also 3 chains (for both IPv4 and IPv6) that can be used to immediately go to POLICY, which are mostly useful to avoid logging (these chains are used in the default ufw after*.rules configuration to avoid logging noisy services by default): ufw-skip-to-policy-input ufw-skip-to-policy-output ufw-skip-to-policy-forward

The primary chains are ufw-before-, ufw-after- and ufw-reject-*. The treatment of iptables' built-in chains can be controlled with the MANAGE_BUILTINS configuration option (in /etc/default/ufw). By default this is set to 'no', which means that other than adding the primary chains, the built-in chains will remain untouched. This also means that these primary chains will stay in the table, even after disabling ufw. This is to make sure that the primary chains don't move around other non-ufw rules and chains. To completely flush the built-in chains with this configuration, you can use:

/lib/ufw/ufw-init flush-all

Alternately, ufw may also take full control of the firewall by setting MANAGE_BUILTINS=yes in /etc/defaults/ufw. This will flush all the built-in rules and delete the non-built-in rules on start, stop and reload.

Advanced Configuration

ufw can be thought of two parts, the ufw command-line program and the ufw framework. The ufw command is intentionally kept as simple as possible, so users can do common tasks more easily. The framework (ie the bootscripts, setup of the chains (see above), sysctl configuration, etc) is very flexible, and since ufw is simply a frontend for iptables, anything that can be done with iptables can be done within the ufw framework.

As an example, to perform port redirection, users can add to the top of /etc/ufw/before.rules, before the '*filter' section: *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]

redirect all incoming requests to tcp port 80 to tcp port 22

-A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 22 COMMIT

then run:

ufw disable

ufw enable

ufw allow 80/tcp (required only if ufw blocks requests to this port)

To add NAT masquerading to the above, change the nat table that was just added to something like: *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 22

Forward traffic from eth1 through eth0.


then adjust /etc/default/ufw to have: DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY="ACCEPT"

and /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf to have: net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

then run:

ufw disable

ufw enable

It's important to remember that ufw will only flush the chains and tables it manages, so if if you need to flush the nat table to restart anew, please do:

iptables -F -t nat

Similarly, to see what rules are in the nat table's chains, use:

iptables -L -n -t nat

See 'man iptables' for details.

Default ruleset

Enabling ufw creates a ruleset that is intended to protect the host while allowing some common traffic such as DHCP, ping and mDNS. These defaults are setup in the before*.rules and after*.rules files (see 'man iptables' for terminology):

  • Default DROP on INPUT
  • Default DROP on FORWARD
  • Default ACCEPT on OUTPUT
  • ACCEPT all on lo
  • DROP packets with RH0 headers
  • DROP INVALID packets (packets not associated with a known connection)
  • ACCEPT certain icmp packets:
    • destination-unreachable, source-quench, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, and echo-request for IPv4
    • neighbor-solicitation, neighbor-advertisement, router-solicitation, destination-unreachable, packet-too-big, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, and echo-request
  • ACCEPT mDNS (zeroconf/bonjour/avahi for IPv4 and ff02::fb for IPv6) for service discovery
  • ACCEPT UPnP ( for IPv4 and ff02::f for IPv6) for service discovery
  • ACCEPT ping replies from IPv6 link-local (ffe8::/10) addresses
  • DROP non-local, broadcast and multicast traffic
  • ACCEPT DHCP client traffic
  • Silently DROP SMB/CIFS traffic
  • Silently DROP DHCP traffic not associated with host's use of DHCP client
  • Silently DROP BROADCAST (IPv4) traffic
  • Log all blocked packets not matching the default policy with rate limiting

If you are using a packaged version of ufw supplied by your distribution, the default ruleset may be different.

Remote Management

On /lib/ufw/ufw-init start and 'ufw enable' the chains are flushed, so ssh may drop. This is needed so ufw is in a consistent state. Once the ufw is 'enabled' it will insert rules into the existing chains, and therefore not flush the chains (but will when modifying a rule or changing the default policy).

You can insert rules before enabling the firewall however, so it is often a good idea to to:

ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 22

ufw enable

In this case, the chains are still flushed, but the ssh port will be open after enabling the firewall.


ufw has full support for IPv6, and it is enabled by default. To disable, modify /etc/default/ufw (or wherever this is installed) to have:


Then do:

ufw disable

ufw enable

Application Integration

ufw has support for application integration. This allows for administrators and developers to put profiles in /etc/ufw/applications.d and have users use these profiles in their rules. Profiles use the .INI syntax, and examples can be found in the examples/ directory. See 'man ufw' for details.


If upgrading from 0.17 or below to 0.18, new chains to support the 'limit' command will be added automatically.


While it certainly ok to use /lib/ufw/ufw-init as the initscript for ufw, this script is meant to be used by ufw itself, and therefore not particularly user friendly. See doc/initscript.example for a simple implementation that can be adapted to your distribution.

Simple rules for rsyslog support can be found in doc/rsyslog.example.


$ mkdir -p /tmp/ufw/usr /tmp/ufw/etc $ python ./setup.py install --home=/tmp/ufw

The edit /tmp/ufw/lib/python/ufw/backend.py to have (since it's installed in /tmp): self.do_checks = False

Now do: $ /tmp/ufw/usr/sbin/ufw help

Here is a command to do it all at once: $ rm -rf /tmp/ufw && mkdir -p /tmp/ufw/usr /tmp/ufw/etc && python ./setup.py install --home=/tmp/ufw && sed -i 's/self.do_checks = True/self.do_checks = False/' /tmp/ufw/lib/python/ufw/backend.py

Then test with: $ PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/tmp/ufw/lib/python /tmp/ufw/usr/sbin/ufw ...

$ sudo sh -c "PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/tmp/ufw/lib/python /tmp/ufw/usr/sbin/ufw ..."

Can also just run from the source directory: $ ./run_tests.sh -s

Or for the root tests (these are iptables version dependent, will modify your existing firewall and insert kernel modules, so they require root privileges and aren't run by default):

./run_tests.sh -s root

You may also specify an interpreter for the tests. Eg: $ ./run_tests.sh -s -i /usr/local/bin/python2.5

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