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The jBPT code library is a compendium of technologies that support research on design, execution, and evaluation of business processes. The library offers a broad range of basis analysis and utility f...

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                        --- Enabling business technologies since 2009 ---
                        --- contact us at jbpt.library (at) ---
                        ---     follow us on twitter @jbptlibrary     ---
                    Copyright (c) 2008-2019. GNU LGPL v3. All rights reserved.


  • jBPT is distributed via Maven Central Repository:
  • The jBPT Library is compiled to be Java 1.6 compliant
  • Every commit to the jBPT Library must pass all the tests in:


  • jbpt-bp - Computation and analysis of Behavioral Profiles
  • jbpt-bpm - Techniques for Business Process Management
  • jbpt-core - Core classes and methods
  • jbpt-deco - Techniques for decomposing process graphs, including RPST and MDT
  • jbpt-petri - Techniques to analyze Petri nets
  • jbpt-pm - Methods and techniques for Process Mining

Features (incomplete)

Techniques to compute:

  • Refined Process Structure Tree (RPST)
  • Workflow Tree (WF-Tree)
  • Behavioral Profile
  • Causal Behavioral Profile
  • Unfolding of a Petri net system
    • Unfolding (maximal branching process)
    • McMillan adequate order
    • Esparza adequate order for arbitrary net systems
    • Esparza total adequate order for safe net systems
    • Proper complete prefix unfolding for structuring
  • Untangling of a Petri net system
  • The tree of biconnected components
  • The tree of triconnected components (SPQR-tree)
  • Modular Decomposition Tree (MDT)

Object models:

  • Directed, undirected, directed multi, undirected multi graphs
  • Directed, undirected, directed multi, undirected multi hypergraphs
  • Petri nets
  • Workflow nets
  • Event-driven Process Chains (EPC)
  • Flexible Process Graphs (FPG)

Serialization formats:

  • The DOT Language:
  • Petri Net Markup Language (PNML):
  • EPC Markup Language (EPML)


Artem Polyvyanyy and Matthias Weidlich. Towards a Compendium of Process Technologies: The jBPT Library for Process Model Analysis. Proceedings of the Forum of the 25th Int. Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE Forum). Valencia, Spain, June 17-21, 2013. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 998, pp. 106-113, Postprint available at:


  • Artem Polyvyanyy
  • Matthias Weidlich
  • Luciano García-Bañuelos
  • Christian Wiggert
  • Martin Mader
  • Gero Decker
  • Kai Schlichting
  • Nicolas Peters
  • Matthias Kunze
  • Cindy Fähnrich
  • Andrina Mascher
  • Tobias Hoppe
  • Johannes Prescher
  • Thomas Porcham
  • Andreas Meyer
  • Felix Mannhardt
  • Thomas Baier
  • Remco Dijkman
  • Anna Kalenkova


  • The PQL Tool:
  • Apromore:
  • ProM:
  • WoPeD:
  • Let us know if you use jBPT and would like to be in this list

