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How to search through joined table aliases
I have one model that I establish a connection with through Amazon AWS RDS.
In my Events model, I have a scope as follows:
scope :scope_subquery, -> {
table1 = Event.select("name, date").where("accepted > 0").group("name").to_sql
table2 = Event.select("distinct on (name) *").where('accepted > 0').order('name, eventdate asc').to_sql
table3 = Event.select("distinct on (name) name, eventname").where('accepted > 0').order('name, accepted desc').to_sql
Event.select("tb2.createddates, tb2.photo_link, tb3.eventname, tb1.venues, tb2.accepted, tb2.rejected").from("(#{table1}) tb1 JOIN (#{table2}) tb2 on tb2.name = tb1.name JOIN (#{table3}) tb3 on tb1.name = tb3.name").where("tb1.venues >= 1")
In my Event datatable, I have the following:
def view_columns
# Declare strings in this format: ModelName.column_name
# or in aliased_join_table.column_name format
@view_columns ||= {
name: { source: "Event.name", orderable: true, searchable: true },
eventname: { source: "Event.eventname", searchable: true },
accepted: { source: "Event.accepted", searchable: false }
def get_raw_records
I get an error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "event"
Am I suppose to includes and reference the alias tb1, tb2, and tb3?
For me to search the eventname, I would need to do the following:
Event.select("tb2.createddates, tb2.photo_link, tb3.eventname, tb1.venues, tb2.accepted, tb2.rejected").from("(#{table1}) tb1 JOIN (#{table2}) tb2 on tb2.name = tb1.name JOIN (#{table3}) tb3 on tb1.name = tb3.name").where("tb1.venues >= 1").where("tb3.eventname like '%Wedding%'")
where I added the query
.where("tb3.eventname like '%Wedding%'")
to the end.
This works, but I'm not sure how to reference the tb3 alias.
I can't reference tb3 in the source like this:
eventname: { source: "tb3.eventname", searchable: true }
Anyone know how I can solve this? I've been stuck on this for a couple of days already. Thanks!
Hello xfalcon727, you have found a solution to this problem?
I stuck in this same issue. Have you found a solution yet? @xfalcon727
Same issue