josh bowles
josh bowles
@rth thanks for the welcome, I'll be going through the package this weekend and next week; If I'm productive enough I'll have some examples worked through (and maybe even a...
I'm a having a similar issue, except it seems the problem really is with `simpleType` `restriction`: ```sh genTypes error template: types:30:54: executing "Attributes" at : can't evaluate field Restriction in...
@quietlychris I am not an owner. I'm still around and good :) ... crazy times though :). I've looked to add people on the to list by @deg4uss3r but I...
I'm currently building a large project with rust (i mention it here:, where I am doing the data engineering in rust (lots of string metrics). [tldr; I found lots...
> I do believe that `ndarray` is in more than a good shape when it comes to fulfil NumPy's role in the Rust ecosystem. Really looking forward to digging into...
Some cool stuff coming to light. Is anyone familiar with work presented at c4ML? I don't think any of the presentations were using Rust... but certainly this is a...
@ehsanmok may be interested in this discussion ^^ thanks @DhruvDh
I can volunteer work to rust-ml for tokenizers, string distance metrics, and/or onehot encoding package. I've already been working on the first two as I have real-world projects that need...
@kazimuth yes i think that would be the way; allow the user to compose a tokenizer. The `TokenizerNaive` i showed above is naive specifically because it is not trait based;...
>This gives Rust a chance to build up its ML strengths, slowly replacing individual parts of a mature ML pipeline. Having e.g. python bindings to those components would also allow...