Thanks for the quick reply!
Please? How would I go about this? Or can't I use getCalendarItems() for this and only listChanges() ?
Does anyone know the solution to this?
I've considered it before. But there are so many. It would feel like an overdose I think. That's why I keep them grouped. People can still pick what they want...
Actually been leaving this open to consider. But keeping them together also makes it easier to find the other extensions.
I'll look into the submodules approach when I have some more time :)
I've started experimenting with the submodule approach. I probably won't make all separate repos at once, but if there's any that you'd like to see split off sooner, let me...
Just datamodel or also something more? Already got a bit of a class myself :)
> > > Datamodel only indeed. > Has hierarchical keys + impact relations: > > WebApplication has a direct link, SoftwareInstance is with a link class because multiple certs can...
Current master branch: - redefines the IP Generic device and makes it a child of NetworkDevice after all - NetworkDevice is slightly redefined: Network Device type now allows NULL. Raises...