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With gr-osmosdr 0.1.1-5 (current as of April 9, 2014 on Arch Linux)
$ tpms_rx --source rtlsdr linux; GNU C++ version 4.8.2 20140206 (prerelease); Boost_105500; UHD_003.006.002-0-unknown
gr-osmosdr v0.1.0-44-g0d10f5e9 (0.1.1git) gnuradio
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf bladerf netsdr
Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/tpms_rx", line 482, in
At line 138 in tpms_rx, "self.source.set_gain_mode(False, 0)" appears to work.