gatsby-source-airtable copied to clipboard
error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
I am trying to build a fairly large Gatsby project with AirTable and I am sourcing (34 tables). It all works smoothly in development but when I try to build, I always get this weird error:
error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
The only workaround I found is to build locally, it fails a couple of times and then it goes through, then to move the built static files to my dedicated server and serve the files with NGINX.
I've tried with Vercel, DeployHQ, Netlify and now to even build the instance with Jenkins on a very powerful dedicated server, but, when trying to use services, it seems to always fail with this same error (or out of heap memory for Netlify and DeployHQ, that's due to their memory build limitations).
I've tried opening this issue with Gatsby and they said it's probably something with this plugin.
Attached the complete build log, public GitHub repo and the staging website I'm building, thanks in advance for your help!
GitHub Repo:
Staging Instance:
Build Logs
- yarn build yarn run v1.22.19 warning ../../../package.json: No license field $ NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192 gatsby build success compile gatsby files - 1.687s success load gatsby config - 0.338s success load plugins - 1.012s success onPreInit - 0.013s success delete worker cache from previous builds - 0.002s success initialize cache - 0.306s success copy gatsby files - 0.210s success Compiling Gatsby Functions - 0.268s success onPreBootstrap - 0.283s success createSchemaCustomization - 0.007s
fetch all Airtable rows from 34 tables: 1.281s success Checking for changed pages - 0.000s success source and transform nodes - 33.226s info Writing GraphQL type definitions to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/NCUC/ncuc/.cache/schema.gql success building schema - 0.638s success createPages - 0.001s success createPagesStatefully - 0.274s info Total nodes: 1603, SitePage nodes: 35 (use --verbose for breakdown) success Checking for changed pages - 0.000s success onPreExtractQueries - 0.000s success extract queries from components - 2.815s success write out redirect data - 0.257s warning The icon(src/images/logo.svg) you provided to 'gatsby-plugin-manifest' is not square. The icons we generate will be square and for the best results we recommend you provide a square icon.
success Build manifest and related icons - 0.190s success onPostBootstrap - 0.193s info bootstrap finished - 44.630s success write out requires - 0.006s success Building production JavaScript and CSS bundles - 3.149s success Building HTML renderer - 18.636s success Execute page configs - 0.067s success Caching Webpack compilations - 0.001s error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
[0m [0m [0m[97m[41mTypeError[0m[37m[41m:[0m[37m[41m [0m[97m[41mCannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')[0m [0m [0m [0m [0m[90m-[0m [0m[93mnode-model.js[0m[90m:[0m[93m779[0m[37m [0m[37mresolveRecursive[0m [0m [0m [0m[90m[ncuc]/[gatsby]/src/schema/node-model.js:779:35[0m [0m [0m [0m [0m[90m-[0m [0m[93mnode-model.js[0m[90m:[0m[93m796[0m[37m [0m[37mresolveRecursive[0m [0m [0m [0m[90m[ncuc]/[gatsby]/src/schema/node-model.js:796:28[0m [0m [0m [0m [0m[90m-[0m [0m[93mtask_queues[0m[90m:[0m[93m95[0m[37m [0m[37mprocessTicksAndRejections[0m [0m [0m [0m[90mnode:internal/process/task_queues:95:5[0m [0m [0m [0m [0m[90m-[0m [0m[93mnode-model.js[0m[90m:[0m[93m796[0m[37m [0m[37mresolveRecursive[0m [0m [0m [0m[90m[ncuc]/[gatsby]/src/schema/node-model.js:796:22[0m [0m [0m [0m [0m[90m-[0m [0m[93mnode-model.js[0m[90m:[0m[93m483[0m[37m [0m[37mLocalNodeModel._doResolvePrepareNodesQueue[0m [0m [0m [0m[90m[ncuc]/[gatsby]/src/schema/node-model.js:483:32[0m [0m [0m [0m [0m[90m-[0m [0m[93mnode-model.js[0m[90m:[0m[93m443[0m[37m [0m [0m [0m [0m[90m[ncuc]/[gatsby]/src/schema/node-model.js:443:11[0m [0m [0m [0m error An error occurred during parallel query running. Go here for troubleshooting tips:
[0m [0m[97m[41mError[0m[37m[41m:[0m[37m[41m [0m[97m[41mWorker exited before finishing task[0m
[0m [0m
[0m [0m[90m-[0m [0m[93mindex.js[0m[90m:[0m[93m117[0m[37m [0m[37mChildProcess.