mouseless copied to clipboard
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vim, gnome user
# the keyboard devices it reads from, if no devices are specified, it reads from all
# - "/dev/input/by-id/SOME_KEYBOARD_REPLACE_ME-event-kbd"
# startCommand: "setxkbmap de"
baseMouseSpeed: 750.0
baseScrollSpeed: 20.0
mouseAccelerationTime: 200.0
mouseAccelerationCurve: 2.0
startMouseSpeed: 0.0
mouseDecelerationTime: 300.0
mouseDecelerationCurve: 3.0
- name: initial
a: tap-hold a ; toggle-layer mouse ; 300
space: tap-hold space ; toggle-layer thuan_fly_keys ; 300
# capslock kinda useless for me, so i map it to esc for vim
capslock: esc
# key `|\` at the bottom on msi laptop keyboard, why? they put the key in this position
102nd: leftctrl
# External keyboard #
# key menu
compose: leftctrl
f1: mute
f2: volumedown
f3: volumeup
# mic mute, `KEY_MICMUTE` ~ micmute doesn't work, debug show key press is `f20`
f5: f20
- name: mouse
passThrough: true
r: reload-config
l: move 1 0
h: move -1 0
j: move 0 1
k: move 0 -1
p: scroll up
semicolon: scroll down
leftalt: speed 4.0
space: speed 0.3
f: button left
d: button middle
s: button right
- name: thuan_fly_keys
passThrough: true
# function key kinda far, lazy to reach out
k1: f1
k2: f2
k3: f3
k4: f4
k5: f5
k6: f6
k7: f7
k8: f8
k9: f9
k0: f10
minus: f11
equal: f12
## editing text ##
k: up
h: left
j: down
l: right
i: home
o: end
## Gnome ##
# switch to fav app on dash
a: leftmeta+k1
s: leftmeta+k2
d: leftmeta+k3
f: leftmeta+k4
g: leftmeta+k5
q: leftmeta+k6
w: leftmeta+k7
e: leftmeta+k8
r: leftmeta+k9
# resize windows
c: rightalt+f8
# pano clipboard extension
v: leftmeta+leftshift+v
# switch windows to monitor left
comma: leftmeta+leftshift+left
# switch windows to monitor right
dot: leftmeta+leftshift+right
# toggle maximize
m: leftalt+f10
# close window
x: leftalt+f4
# switch input
semicolon: leftmeta+space
## browser ##
# restore tab
t: leftctrl+leftshift+t
# next tab aka `ctrl + tab`
p: leftctrl+pagedown
# previous tab aka `ctrl + shift + tab`
u: leftctrl+pageup
# go back
leftbrace: leftalt+left
# go forward
rightbrace: leftalt+right
Here's mine:
Pretty complex, I know, but I'm using it to recreate a QMK config I have. :)
serve yourself, my numpad config to replace the touchpad
# the keyboard devices it reads from, if no devices are specified, it reads from all
# this is executed when mouseless starts, e.g. useful for setting the keyboard layout
# startCommand: "setxkbmap de"
# the default speed for mouse movement and scrolling
baseMouseSpeed: 1500.0
baseScrollSpeed: 20.0
# the time it takes to accelerate to baseMouseSpeed (in ms), 0 to reach top speed immediately
mouseAccelerationTime: 100.0
# the shape of the acceleration curve, 1.0 is linear, higher values have more time at low speeds
mouseAccelerationCurve: 2.0
# speed of the mouse when it starts moving
startMouseSpeed: 0.0
# same for deceleration
mouseDecelerationTime: 10.0
mouseDecelerationCurve: 1.0
# the rest of the config defines the layers with their bindings
# the first layer is active at start
- name: initial
numlock: multi numlock; layer numpad
# the following keys make the system work because when numlock is on is when these keys can be detected, in which case we should be inside the numpad layer, we are correcting for initializing with numlock on
kp1: layer numpad
kp2: layer numpad
kp3: layer numpad
kp4: layer numpad
kp5: layer numpad
kp6: layer numpad
kp7: layer numpad
kp8: layer numpad
kp9: layer numpad
# a layer for numpad
- name: numpad
# when true, keys that are not mapped keep their original meaning
passThrough: true
numlock: multi numlock; layer initial
# in my case the following keys are the ones that you would press if numlock is activated when started the app and pressed numlock respectively
# these 4 are the only ones that get detected when pressing 4 5 6 and asterisk respectively, so these comes natural, so i press numlock to change the mode and make the system detect the numbers
playpause: numlock
stopcd: numlock
previoussong: numlock
nextsong: numlock
# the coordinates are as follows
# move x y where x positive is right, x negative is left, y positive is down and y negative is up, and the numbers mean the speed
# the order is from bottom left going right, when ending the row, go up a row to the extreme left value, and go right again, repeat
kp0: kp0 #these keys calling themselves are only for organization porpouses
kpdot: kpdot
kpplus: speed 0.2 #
kp1: move -1 1 #left down
kp2: move 0 1 # down
kp3: move 1 1 # right down
kpminus: button right # right click
kp4: move -1 0 # left
kp5: button middle # middle click
kp6: move 1 0 # right
kpasterisk: scroll down
kp7: move -1 -1 # left up
kp8: move 0 -1 # up
kp9: move 1 -1 # right up
kpslash: scroll up
#outside the numpad
rightshift: button left # left click
rightctrl: button left # left click
leftalt: speed 2.0 # would like to also send leftalt as a multi but the speed stops working, dunno how to do it properly
# Keys detected in my case when numlock is on
# ┌──────────┬────────┬──────────┬───────────────┐
# │ 7||kp7 │ 8||kp8 │ 9||kp9 │ /||kpslash │
# ├──────────┼────────┼──────────┼───────────────┤
# │ 4||kp4 │ 5||kp5 │ 6||kp6 │ *||kpasterisk │
# ├──────────┼────────┼──────────┼───────────────┤
# │ 1||kp1 │ 2||kp2 │ 3||kp3 │ -||kpminus │
# ├──────────┼────────┼──────────┼───────────────┤
# │ numlock ⏽│ 0||kp0 │ .||kpdot │ +||kpplus │
# └──────────┴────────┴──────────┴───────────────┘
# keys detected in my case when numlock is off
# ┌──────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────┬─────────────┐
# │ │ │ │ │
# ├──────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────┤
# │ 4||playpause │ 5||stopcd │ 6||previoussong │ *||nextsong │
# ├──────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────┤
# │ │ │ │ │
# ├──────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────┤
# │ numlock ⭘ │ │ │ │
# └──────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────┴─────────────┘
update my config switching to pop shell
# the keyboard devices it reads from, if no devices are specified, it reads from all
# - "/dev/input/by-id/SOME_KEYBOARD_REPLACE_ME-event-kbd"
# startCommand: "setxkbmap de"
baseMouseSpeed: 750.0
baseScrollSpeed: 20.0
mouseAccelerationTime: 200.0
mouseAccelerationCurve: 2.0
startMouseSpeed: 0.0
mouseDecelerationTime: 300.0
mouseDecelerationCurve: 3.0
- name: initial
a: tap-hold a ; toggle-layer mouse ; 200
space: tap-hold space ; toggle-layer thuan_fly_keys ; 200
s: tap-hold s ; toggle-layer popshell ; 200
# capslock kinda useless for me, so i map it to esc for vim
capslock: esc
# key `|\` at the bottom on msi laptop keyboard, why? they put the key in this position
102nd: leftctrl
# External keyboard #
# key menu
compose: leftctrl
f1: mute
f2: volumedown
f3: volumeup
# mic mute, `KEY_MICMUTE` ~ micmute doesn't work, debug show key press is `f20`
f5: f20
f8: leftctrl+leftshift+v
- name: mouse
passThrough: false
a: layer initial
i: layer mouse
r: reload-config
l: move 1 0
h: move -1 0
j: move 0 1
k: move 0 -1
p: scroll up
semicolon: scroll down
leftalt: speed 4.0
space: speed 0.3
f: button left
d: button middle
s: button right
- name: thuan_fly_keys
passThrough: true
# function key kinda far, lazy to reach out
k1: f1
k2: f2
k3: f3
k4: f4
k5: f5
k6: f6
k7: f7
k8: f8
k9: f9
k0: f10
minus: f11
equal: f12
# pop shell
a: leftmeta+k1
s: leftmeta+k2
d: leftmeta+k3
f: leftmeta+k4
g: leftmeta+k5
q: leftmeta+k6
w: leftmeta+k7
e: leftmeta+k8
r: leftmeta+k9
t: leftmeta+k0
# editing text
k: up
h: left
j: down
l: right
i: home
o: end
# Gnome
# resize windows
c: rightalt+f8
# pano clipboard extension
v: leftmeta+leftshift+v
# switch windows to monitor left
comma: leftmeta+leftshift+left
# switch windows to monitor right
dot: leftmeta+leftshift+right
# popshell toggle maximize
m: leftmeta+m
# close window
x: leftalt+f4
# browser
# next tab aka `ctrl + tab`
p: leftctrl+pagedown
# previous tab aka `ctrl + shift + tab`
u: leftctrl+pageup
# go back
leftbrace: leftalt+left
# go forward
rightbrace: leftalt+right
- name: popshell
passThrough: false
enter: leftmeta+enter
h: leftmeta+h
j: leftmeta+j
k: leftmeta+k
l: leftmeta+l
u: leftmeta+leftshift+pageup
p: leftmeta+leftshift+pagedown
o: leftmeta+o
i: leftmeta+s
semicolon: leftmeta+g
I'm a simple person who likes simple things. Like, I like when I can control the mouse with one hand, so this is my wsad-suggestion. the right/left mouse button on shift and tab makes sense when I have to drag and drop stuff. I rarely have to, but I'd rather be able to than not. Besides, I rarely use shift and tab when moving the mouse. I have been using this config for about 5 hours and it feels rather natural. Even the easy integration with my browser is a pretty amazing. mouseless
is easy to set up and easy to use <3
# the default speed for mouse movement and scrolling
baseMouseSpeed: 750.0
baseScrollSpeed: 20.0
# the time it takes to accelerate to baseMouseSpeed (in ms), 0 to reach top speed immediately
mouseAccelerationTime: 200.0
# the shape of the acceleration curve, 1.0 is linear, higher values have more time at low speeds
mouseAccelerationCurve: 2.0
# speed of the mouse when it starts moving
startMouseSpeed: 0.0
# same for deceleration
mouseDecelerationTime: 300.0
mouseDecelerationCurve: 3.0
- name: initial
leftalt: toggle-layer mouse
- name: mouse
passThrough: false
g: reload-config
leftshift: button left
capslock: button middle
tab: button right
d: move 1 0
a: move -1 0
s: move 0 1
w: move 0 -1
r: scroll up
f: scroll down
# Qutebrowser
q: leftshift+h
e: leftshift+l
2: leftshift+k
3: d
4: u
5: leftshift+j
# ncspot-remote
z: "exec ncspot-remote previous"
x: "exec ncspot-remote playpause"
c: "exec ncspot-remote next"
Ooh nice qutebrowser integration; I may steal that.
Ooh nice qutebrowser integration; I may steal that.
It works really well :) Do note that I've opened an issue with the numbers being +1. So, 4 is actually 5 in the config.
Pretty sure you're supposed to use k2, k3, k4, k5, etc? That's what's in the example config and what I use in mine.
You're right! I totally missed that.
home row mods: #32
# the keyboard devices it reads from, if no devices are specified, it reads from all
# - "/dev/input/by-id/SOME_KEYBOARD_REPLACE_ME-event-kbd"
# startCommand: "setxkbmap de"
baseMouseSpeed: 750.0
baseScrollSpeed: 20.0
mouseAccelerationTime: 200.0
mouseAccelerationCurve: 2.0
startMouseSpeed: 0.0
mouseDecelerationTime: 300.0
mouseDecelerationCurve: 3.0
- name: initial
space: tap-hold space ; toggle-layer thuan_fly_keys ; 185
q: tap-hold q ; toggle-layer mouse ; 185
a: tap-hold-next-release a ; leftmeta ; 185
s: tap-hold-next-release s ; leftalt ; 185
d: tap-hold-next-release d ; leftshift ; 185
f: tap-hold-next-release f ; leftctrl ; 185
j: tap-hold-next-release j ; rightctrl ; 185
k: tap-hold-next-release k ; rightshift ; 185
l: tap-hold-next-release l ; rightalt ; 185
semicolon: tap-hold-next-release semicolon ; rightmeta ; 185
# capslock kinda useless for me, so i map it to esc for vim
capslock: esc
# key `|\` at the bottom on msi laptop keyboard, why? they put the key in this position
102nd: leftctrl
# External keyboard #
# key menu
compose: leftctrl
f1: mute
f2: volumedown
f3: volumeup
# mic mute, `KEY_MICMUTE` ~ micmute doesn't work, debug show key press is `f20`
f5: f20
f8: leftctrl+leftshift+v
- name: mouse
passThrough: false
a: layer initial
i: layer mouse
l: move 1 0
h: move -1 0
j: move 0 1
k: move 0 -1
p: scroll up
semicolon: scroll down
leftalt: speed 4.0
space: speed 0.3
r: button left
e: button middle
w: button right
- name: thuan_fly_keys
passThrough: true
z: reload-config
# function key kinda far, lazy to reach out
k1: f1
k2: f2
k3: f3
k4: f4
k5: f5
k6: f6
k7: f7
k8: f8
k9: f9
k0: f10
minus: f11
equal: f12
# gnome favorite app on dash
a: leftmeta+k1
s: leftmeta+k2
d: leftmeta+k3
f: leftmeta+k4
g: leftmeta+k5
q: leftmeta+k6
w: leftmeta+k7
e: leftmeta+k8
r: leftmeta+k9
# editing text
k: up
h: left
j: down
l: right
i: home
o: end
# Gnome
# resize windows
c: rightalt+f8
# pano clipboard extension
v: leftmeta+leftshift+v
# switch windows to monitor left
comma: leftmeta+leftshift+left
# switch windows to monitor right
dot: leftmeta+leftshift+right
# popshell toggle maximize
m: leftalt+f10
# close window
x: leftalt+f4
# browser
# next tab aka `ctrl + tab`
p: leftctrl+pagedown
# previous tab aka `ctrl + shift + tab`
u: leftctrl+pageup
# go back
leftbrace: leftalt+left
# go forward
rightbrace: leftalt+right
mouseless + shinglify (tiling/floating hybrid) + xfce. So my configuration is quite simple, used for mouse control only, as all other tasks are already managed externally:
# the keyboard devices it reads from, if no devices are specified, it reads from all
# - "/dev/input/by-id/SOME_KEYBOARD_REPLACE_ME-event-kbd"
# this is executed when mouseless starts, e.g. useful for setting the keyboard layout
# startCommand: "setxkbmap de"
# the default speed for mouse movement and scrolling
baseMouseSpeed: 1750.0 # default 750.0
baseScrollSpeed: 30.0
# the time it takes to accelerate to baseMouseSpeed (in ms), 0 to reach top speed immediately
mouseAccelerationTime: 10.0 # default 200.0
# the shape of the acceleration curve, 1.0 is linear, higher values have more time at low speeds
mouseAccelerationCurve: 2.0 # default 2.0
# speed of the mouse when it starts moving
startMouseSpeed: 0.0
# same for deceleration
mouseDecelerationTime: 300.0
mouseDecelerationCurve: 3.0
# the rest of the config defines the layers with their bindings
- name: initial
# when true, keys that are not mapped keep their original meaning
passThrough: true
# layers for window manager excluded
leftmeta: tap-hold-next leftmeta ; toggle-layer movewin ; 100 # window manage
leftctrl: tap-hold-next leftctrl ; toggle-layer movework1 ; 100 # workplace manage
leftalt: tap-hold-next leftalt ; toggle-layer movework2 ; 100 # workplace manage
# movement
up: move 0 -1
right: move 1 0
down: move 0 1
left: move -1 0
# speed
f4: speed 4.0
f5: speed 0.3
f6: speed 0.1
# scroll
rightshift: scroll up
kp0: scroll down
# buttons
a: button left
102nd: button middle
z: button right
# another layer for window management
- name: movewin
passThrough: true
# _ is the wildcard key, which matches any key that is not mapped
_: leftmeta+_
# another layer for window management
- name: movework1
passThrough: true
_: leftctrl+_
# another layer for window management
- name: movework2
passThrough: true
_: leftalt+_
My mouseless config is here. The layout is affected by my 34 keys layout on the keyboard called Moonlander.
# Run always mouseless when reloading the sway config file.
exec_always pkill mouseless || :; sleep 1; ~/.go/bin/mouseless
Now I am auto-running mouseless at startup by the systemd user service mouseless.service
with a login user privileges (without root privileges). You can check how to do on