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Show dependents
The graph today is walked backs to the dependencies, but does not show dependents directly, as this involves walking backlinks, or other references.
- See original designs
- There's some discussion here:
- we want to have it
- but it's tricky to do right (given some links will automatically backlink and some wont)
- we may have workarounds meanwhile (see user or whole project issues)
On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 01:18:06PM -0800, Juan Benet wrote:
- but it's tricky to do right (given some links will automatically backlink and some wont)
This doesn't help with cross-host back-references (e.g. a GitLab issue referencing a GitHub issue), but within GitHub you can discover these somewhat efficiently (an extra API call or two per rendered node) using the timeline API preview 1:
$ curl -sH 'Accept: application/vnd.github.mockingbird-preview' |
jq '[.[] | select(.event == "cross-referenced") | {"source": {"html_url": .source.issue.html_url, "body": .source.issue.body}}]' [ { "source": { "html_url": "", "body": "We don't do this at the moment (there's a FIXME in the GitHub module). Screenshot for the designed display in #9. Related but (I think?) distinct idea in #15." } } ]