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runtime error
Hello author, thank you for sharing, but unfortunately, I encountered a problem while running your code when I run the ./visualizer and l open the KITTI 001 an error appear : In: /home/zhou/suma/src/glow/src/glow/GlFramebuffer.cpp on Line: 25 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): OpenGL error detected. I can't solve this problem . I need your help Thanks you very much
which graphics card do you have? ATI or nvidia? We tried to use a subset of features that should work on both kinds of OpenGL driver, but it was mainly tested on nvidia devices that usually support a broader set of features (even in the so-called core profile); if you have the possibility to use a Nvidia graphics chip then I would try this.
Also the available graphics memory is important.
What happens on MacOS is totally unclear and there is also no intend from my side to provide support there.