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Ask the w3c scxml WG which XSLT processors they recommend using on their test suite
And regenerate error test/scxml-test-framework/test/w3c-ecma/test153.txml.scxml (issue #284)
We tested xsltproc (libxml) and Xalan (based on Xerces).
jbeard4@Jacobs-MacBook-Pro:~/tmp$ java -jar ~/Downloads/xalan-j_2_7_2/xalan.jar -IN -XSL; Line #289; Column #40; xsl:analyze-string is not allowed in this position in the stylesheet!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- test that foreach goes over the array in the right order. since the array contains 1 2 3, we compare the current
value with the previous value, which is stored in var1. The current value should always be larger. If
it ever isn't, set Var4 to 0, indicating failure --><scxml xmlns="" xmlns:conf="" initial="s0" version="1.0" datamodel="ecmascript">
<data id="Var1" expr="0"/> <!-- contains the previous value -->
<data id="Var2"/> <!-- the item which will contain the current value -->
<data id="Var3">
<data id="Var4" expr="1"/> <!-- 1 if success, 0 if failure -->
<state id="s0">
<foreach conf:item="2" conf:arrayVar="3">
<if conf:compareIDVal="1<2">
<assign location="Var1" expr="Var2"/>
<!-- values are out of order, record failure -->
<assign location="Var4" expr="0"/>
<!-- check that var1 has its original value -->
<transition cond="" target="fail"/>
<transition target="pass"/>
<final id="pass"><onentry><log expr="'pass'" label="Outcome"/></onentry></final>
<final id="fail"><onentry><log expr="'fail'" label="Outcome"/></onentry></final>