cordova-plugin-video-editor copied to clipboard
While using this plugin in an android app in ionic (1), I'm getting an error "" (which comes through the error promise) no matter what I try. The VideoEditor object appears fine in the window.
Any help or suggestions about how to get more info on the error would be VERY much appreciated.
console.log("full path to current video is:" + transPath); // e.g. file:/storage.../20160808_172011.mp4
console.log("new vid name will be: " + videoFileName); // ( randomly set every time)
fileUri: transPath,
outputFileName: videoFileName,
outputFileType: window.VideoEditorOptions.OutputFileType.MPEG4,
optimizeForNetworkUse: window.VideoEditorOptions.OptimizeForNetworkUse.YES,
saveToLibrary: true,
maintainAspectRatio: true,
width: 640,
height: 640,
videoBitrate: 1000000, // 1 megabit
audioChannels: 2,
audioSampleRate: 44100,
audioBitrate: 128000, // 128 kilobits
progress: function(info) {
console.log('transcodeVideo progress callback, info: ' + info);
}, 2000);
function videoTranscodeSuccess(result) {
// tested code here
function videoTranscodeError(err) {
console.log('videoTranscodeError, err: ' + err);
It is also occurring with the createThumbnail method, so I'm assuming this is something to do with actually accessing the file (as the error suggests). Latest android operating system, etc.
I am also getting error when I capture image.
I am using samsung galaxy s5 with android version 6.0.1
Hi, i'm facing the same issue. I manage to restore plugin functionalities downgrading targetSdkVersion to"22" from "23" in my AndroidManifest.xml. It seems that from api 23 you need to declare the permission in activity even if you have already declared in manifest. Here is a link which can explain the issue and how to resolve it. If you can please solve it, i will like to restore the API 23 for my project which is using this plugin. Thank you.
I found reason and solution of this issue. Reason: New versions like marshmallow has new permission rules. They have different logic as compared to old android versions.
Marshmallow needs app to request required permissions on run time but lower versions don't need permissions on run time.
So because of this difference most of the plugins are getting this type of error.
Solution: You have to ask for permissions in run time. I am using this plugin to check and request for permissions: cordova-plugin-android-permissions With this plugin if you run command to request for permission then it will show a popup in marshmallow to allow for that specific permission. If user accepts permission then let them use app otherwise close app with some warning.
I hope this will help many people because It helped me after spending several days on this issue.
As posted by ayyazzafar asking permissions with cordova-plugin-android-permissions should solve the issue. Anyway the request for permissions should be integrated in this plugin methods, so we should not install another plugin.
Is there any chance this will be considered (and done) or we should use cordova-plugin-android-permissions to avoid this issue? @rossmartin @jbavari @lsilvs (just tagging who has made last commits on this plugin)
@ayyazzafar What permission name have you requested for this to work ?
@scopsy I requested this permission: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Because cordova-plugin-video-editor needs that permission to perform its functions. Here you can see list of all permissions which you can request on runtime:
same problem get error message of VideoEditor.getVideoInfo
To try and find a solution, I used cordova-plugin-android-permissions
to give my app every permission listed here, but it still receives a
return self.videoEditor.transcodeVideo({
fileUri: 'file:///storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/VID_20170718_193213.mp4',
outputFileName: targetFileName || 'output-mobile',
outputFileType: self.videoEditor.OutputFileType.MPEG4,
saveToLibrary: false,
deleteInputFile: true,
maintainAspectRatio: true,
width: 720,
height: 480,
progress: fnProgress || undefined
I've checked the file and it does exist on the Android device.
Turns out that on Android, recording video greater than 640x360 causes a failure which may be related to this issue. See