
Results 350 comments of jbarlow83

We do optimization of JPEG using Pillow's `optimize=True` which does a little of what mozjpeg does. At least, it enables adaptive encoding. mozjpeg sounds more sophisticated. For monochrome, we also...

@HansBull Do you know if jpegoptim has any advantages over Pillow with optimize=True?

@homocomputeris Thanks for the suggestion. Generally I wait for packages to be mature enough that they're accepted as a Debian/Ubuntu package. That also makes testing in CI easier. Oxipng isn't...

Thanks, this is wonderful. It looks as if `test_flate_to_jbig2` fails because the version pngquant used predates the ``--skip-if-larger`` parameter being added to that command in about 2016. Not sure why...

I merged your work in a subtree into the main repo, such that it preserves your commit history and I can pull from your repo again as needed. Made a...

Every now and then I come back to this ticket and stare at it a bit. It's not so difficult to do on its own, but for the moment I...

There is a deadlock that affected the v11 releases. (Logging + multiprocessing related, it turns out.) Chances are, upgrading to latest release will fix it. Please try that before we...

``` ocrmypdf.exceptions.PriorOcrFoundError: page already has text! - aborting (use --force-ocr to force OCR; see also help for the arguments --skip-text and --redo-ocr ``` This is exception is expected for files...

A few things to help with debugging/reproducing if either of you are able: 1. Use gdb to inspect the deadlock In Fedora try: `sudo dnf install gdb python-debuginfo` Then wait...

I think this happens if the Linux OOM killer kills one of the worker child processes.