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A Gradle plugin for JBake

= JBake plugin for Gradle :linkattrs: :jbake-version: 2.6.7 :plugin-version: 5.5.0 :project-group: org.jbake :plugin-id: org.jbake.site :project-name: jbake-gradle-plugin

image:http://img.shields.io/travis/jbake-org/{project-name}/master.svg["Build Status", link="https://travis-ci.org/jbake-org/{project-name}"] image:http://img.shields.io/coveralls/jbake-org/{project-name}/master.svg["Coverage Status", link="https://coveralls.io/r/jbake-org/{project-name}"] image:http://img.shields.io/badge/license-ASF2-blue.svg["Apache License 2", link="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt"] image:https://img.shields.io/maven-metadata/v?label=Plugin%20Portal&metadataUrl=https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/org/jbake/site/{plugin-id}.gradle.plugin/maven-metadata.xml["Gradle Plugin Portal, link="https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/{plugin-id}"]

This plugin allows rendering a site using http://www.jbake.org[JBake] directly from http://www.gradle.org[Gradle].

== Requirements

  • Java 8
  • Gradle 6+

== Examples

A few of the sites that use the plugin and serve as a good example are:

  • https://github.com/melix/blog
  • https://github.com/danhyun/blog
  • https://github.com/msgilligan/msgilligan.github.io

== Usage

This is work in progress

[source,groovy] [subs="attributes"]

plugins { id 'org.jbake.site' version '{plugin-version}' }

This will add a bake task to your build, which will search for a standard http://www.jbake.org[JBake] source tree in src/jbake and generate content into $buildDir/jbake (typically build/jbake).

WARNING: versions prior to 1.0.0 had a task named jbake. This task has been renamed to bake since 1.0.0.

=== Init

You can initialise the project structure by running the following command:

gradle bakeInit

The default template is set to groovy. You may change this setting by updating the template property of the jbake configuration. Accepted values are freemarker, groovy, groovy-mte, thymeleaf, jade`.

Alternatively you may define a value for templateUrl that points to a custom template, for example


bakeInit { templateUrl = 'http://server.acme.com/path/to/template.zip' }

=== Previewing

You can preview your content by running the following command:

gradle bake bakePreview

This will start up a jetty container and serve your baked site on http://localhost:8080 by default. You can change the port by adding this to your build file.


bakePreview { port = '8090' }

The bakePreview task is configured to server the output of the bake task. Should you need to render a different set of files then specify a value for the input property, like so


bakePreview { input = project.file('path/to/content') }

== Configuration === Plugin configuration

The default input and output directories can be changed using the jbake configuration block:


jbake { srcDirName = 'jbake-sources' destDirName = 'output' }

The generated output can then be found at $buildDir/output.

The Version could be changed too:


jbake { version = '2.6.5' }

The default is {jbake-version}.

=== Render Engine configuration

Jbake uses several engines. The library versions could be changed too:


jbake { pegdownVersion = '1.6.0' flexmarkVersion = '0.62.2' // since jbake 2.6.0 freemarkerVersion = '2.3.31' groovyTemplatesVersion = '3.0.7' jade4jVersion = '1.2.7' thymeleafVersion = '3.0.12.RELEASE' pebbleVersion = '3.1.5' // since jbake 2.6.5 asciidoctorJavaIntegrationVersion = '0.1.4' //pre jbake 2.3.1 asciidoctorjVersion = '2.4.3' //since jbake 2.3.1 jettyVersion = '9.4.36.v20210114' }

Notice the asciidoctorJavaIntegrationVersion and asciidoctorjVersion. Since Version 2.3.1 jbake has changed to the asciidoctorj library.

This plugin handles this change internally. If you use a Version > 2.3.0 of jbake, the dependency switch to the new one.

Since Version 2.6.0 jbake uses https://github.com/vsch/flexmark-java[flexmark] as replacement for https://github.com/sirthias/pegdown[pegdown].

=== JBake configuration

There are several options to configure http://www.jbake.org[JBake]. One is to have the regular jbake.properties file into the source directory. The other is to use the plugin configuration block:


jbake { configuration['template.post.file'] = 'mypost.ftl' }