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REUSE_DB causes it to use the non-test DBs?
Upon doing REUSE_DB=1 NOSE=1 ./ test members.tests.forms.form_network_filter_test --with-progressive
, I had some very scary evidence (show processlist
and some traceback messages) that suggested it was using the real DB, not the fake test one. Repro, fix, and cover with tests!
This could have something to do with Votizen's funky DB router or DB mirror setup.
Does this happen with version 1.1 or just the dev tip?
I wonder if it would be worth it for you, or probably Django really, to do a final doublecheck of the database name to make sure it's the test database, before running any operations on it, and bail out if not.
It's in 1.1, and I am suitably ashamed. I'll make sure it's covered by tests when I fix it.
As for "doing a final doublecheck", it might be sane to see if the DB name starts with "test_", but then that would preclude people from naming their actual DBs "test_whatever" (which would be weird, but hey).
Confirmed. I came here looking for a solution to an odd issue - when I was trying to run with REUSE_DB, I was getting DatabaseError - relation not found.
Upon reading this Issue, I took a look at my postgres databases. I found that, indeed, django-nose is creating test_dbname when REUSE Is off and creating all the appropriate tables.
Interestingly, if I change my DB configuration so that the database name is "test_dbname" (ie, the runner should make a new database called "test_test_dbname"), I do indeed get a run on what is ostensibly the "real" database.
Moreover, if I then rename "test_dbname" to "dbname" (in postgres) and change it back in the django settings, I get a run against "dbname" and not "test_dbname."
So I can confirm this issue. Obviously this is most critical.
Are there any other details I can provide that will be helpful?
I believe I have discovered the nature of the problem.
When Django-nose is discovering tests, it causes modules containing them to load ( line 86).
If such a module adds a model to a registry (which many popular django packages do - in our case we're using django-helptext, the registry may attempt to introspect the table names using connection.introspection.table_names().
The table_names method causes cursor() to execute. Since we haven't run NoseTestSuiteRunner.setup_databases() yet, the settings_dict still contains the name of the non-test database.
I'm wrong. It's worse than that. I have cases which don't call table_names() and still use the regular database.
I'm not exactly sure how to write and run unit tests for django-nose - is there already a test suite that I'm not seeing?
The tests are…a little weird right now. The shell script runs them. The tests themselves are in the testapp folder.
Hmm... Not really understanding how to add a new test. If I add a TestCase, it doesn't seem to run - it claims that everything passes. Since it runs from a .sh file, I'm also not run how to debug it. What's your typical practice?
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Erik Rose [email protected] wrote:
The tests are…a little weird right now. The shell script runs them. The tests themselves are in the testapp folder.
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Justin Holmes Intigator, slashRoot Keynote Program Chair, DjangoCon 2012
slashRoot: Coffee House and Tech Dojo 60 Main Street New Paltz, NY 12561 845.633.8330
I'm afraid the current tests are in a really bad state—to the point where I haven't been writing any, which is how we got this bug in the first place. In the interrim, I recommend adding a TestCase to testapp/tests/ As long as you name the file like that, it should run. just runs django-nose over the testapp app several times, with various settings. Any errors should spit out just like under normal Django tests.
I'm new to django_nose (and nose) today, and immediately ran into a problem with my custom db routing when django_nose is running with REUSE_DB. I think it's probably related to this (issue #76).
In summary, try this router:
class Router(object):
"""dummy django.db.router demonstrating issue with django_nose """
def db_for_read(self, model, **hints):
print ''
print 'router.db_for_read'
print 'DEBUG: ', model
print 'DEBUG: ', model._meta
print 'DEBUG: ', model._meta.app_label
print 'DEBUG: ', model.__module__
return 'default' # or whatever makes sense in your test
def db_for_write(self, model, **hints):
print ''
print 'router.db_for_write'
print 'DEBUG: ', model
print 'DEBUG: ', model._meta
print 'DEBUG: ', model._meta.app_label
print 'DEBUG: ', model.__module__
return 'default' # or whatever..
In my environment, I get the debug messages as expected when REUSE_DB=0, but not when REUSE_DB=1.
I installed django_nose because I need REUSE_DB...
I have fallen off this issue. I'm just so busy with other stuff, as it appears Erik is. I'm still watching, though.
Just sat down to attack this again, and now I can't repro it anymore. :-( The project I'm testing against has upgraded to 1.4 in the meantime. I wonder if that changed something. Btw, #87 and #88 are related to this.
I love django-nose and don't want my only contribution to be a few posts on a github issue.
However, I'm not sure how I can help. I'd like to write a test that demonstrates the behavior, but I'm pretty removed from it now as well, and I do not understand the test suite methodology.
Perhaps a good step will be to make the test suite thoroughly explainable. Are you planning to attend DjangoCon?
On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 1:25 AM, Erik Rose [email protected] wrote:
Just sat down to attack this again, and now I can't repro it anymore. :-( The project I'm testing against has upgraded to 1.4 in the meantime. I wonder if that changed something. Btw, #87 and #88 are related to this.
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
Justin Holmes Chief Chocobo Breeder, slashRoot Keynote Program Chair, DjangoCon 2012
slashRoot: Coffee House and Tech Dojo 60 Main Street New Paltz, NY 12561 845.633.8330
Hi, Justin. First of all, thanks for your patience and continued interest. :-) Yes, I'll be at DjangoCon—speaking about django-nose, in fact. I don't really like the test suite methodology right now: the trips out to the shell bother me, both philosophically and because they won't work on Windows. I'd like to replace it with something that calls into the runner at a slightly lower level, perhaps invoking the "test" management command, for example. If you felt like porting the existing tests to such a framework, that'd be a welcome contribution.
My next step on this is to write a failing test for it; depending on my primary project to keep having the problem is obviously not working. Even if you or someone else could submit a toy project which exhibits the bug, that'd save me a couple hours and let me get right to the problem when I do have a moment.
Hi, I'm having issues with REUSE_DB too unfortunately. I'm currently using the dev version of django-nose (although the same behaviour occurs in 1.1.0 from pypi) with a Django 1.2 project and Postgresql.
REUSE_DB=1 ./manage test myapp
DatabaseError: relation "access_type_id_seq" does not exist
access_type is the first model/table in my app. The error is thrown very quickly, which makes me wonder if test dbs are not being built for some reason.
Tests run, and test dbs build correctly (and slowly...) when running without REUSE_DB.
The only difference in my configuration which is potentially relevant is that I've subclassed NoseTestSuiteRunner to allow unmanaged models to be built for the purpose of testing. This particular project is built on a legacy database which does not directly used the django orm.
Custom test runner
from django.db.models.loading import get_models
from django_nose import NoseTestSuiteRunner
class ManagedNoseTestRunner(NoseTestSuiteRunner):
def setup_test_environment(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.unmanaged_models = [m for m in get_models()
if not m._meta.managed]
for m in self.unmanaged_models:
m._meta.managed = True
super(ManagedNoseTestRunner, self).setup_test_environment(*args,
def teardown_test_environment(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ManagedNoseTestRunner, self).teardown_test_environment(*args,
# reset unmanaged models
for m in self.unmanaged_models:
m._meta.managed = False
Hey guys, I'm being bitten by this issue at the moment. It occurs even if I remove all INSTALLED_APPS. How can I help?
I'm being bitten by this also and the patch submitted by @carymrobbins / @dullaran doesn't seem to rectify the issue for me.
I managed to trace down why this issue was affecting my project and can confirm that my comment above still stands, however I managed to get around the issue.
I traced the issue to a form that was attempting to set a property (FOO_CHOICES) equal to the [(, f.title) for f in Foo.objects.all()]
. I assume this is similar to the behaviour that @jMyles is referring to in
Simple solution for me was to fork the project and use a ModelMultipleChoiceField
rather than a MultipleChoiceField
with a queryset - however, this issue is VERY concerning!
Our team has this issue as well. We are connecting to a PostGresql database, using nose 1.3.4, django-nose 1.3, Django 1.7. We've noticed that we can reproduce it 100% by executing a specific test (not the entire test suite).
For us we've been able to fix by adding the:
connection.connection = None
line from pull request #101 (line 286). If you look at that PR and compare with django=nose1.3 you'll notice that most of it was applied but line 286 was not. Note sure why. When we add the line in, the issue is fixed, executing a single test properly connects to the test database.
Should line 286 be added?
I'm a bit hesitant to chime in (surely I'm doing something wrong)
nose 1.3.1, django-nose 1.3, Django 1.7.3, psycopg2 2.5.1 talking to PostgreSQL 9.3, running selected tests, seeing indications that the wrong DB is being used with REUSE_DB=1 on a run where the test db doesn't have to be deleted
the indications: first testcase fails for duplicate key (seemingly with real db), subsequent testcases fail complaining that the test db doesn't exist
adding "connection.connection = None" as suggested by andrescamacho just above resolves it so far
It happened to me, too, and gave me a hard time to trace down and get to this issue. Apparently, when runnig selected test cases, the first one among them runs on the non-test database, while the subsequent ones run correctly on the test db (if it was previously set up), or fail (if the test db does not exist).
I found the most direct way for debugging this was to put in my setUp
from django.db import connection
with open('/tmp/test', 'a') as f:
f.write(connection.connection.dsn + '\n')
nose==1.3.4, django-nose==1.3, Django==1.7.1, psycopg2==2.6
, Postgres 9.3,
using the postgis db engine 'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis'
As suggested above, adding connection.connection = None
(django_nose/ line 306) fixed it.
I just monkey-patched using 5568665
and it worked, came back here because I destroyed my env needing this again, any updates?
I also ran into this same issue today - local db got destroyed. The connection.connection = None
fix also worked for me. Can someone speak to this patch or some other plan?
I don't use REUSE_DB=1
(and triaging the bugs has probably scared me away from using it), but two changes from @eroninjapan and @alexjg feel like reasonable safe additions that work:
- Close all open connections
- Set the connection to None
I'm adding these to v1.4.2. Current django-nose tests don't expose this issue, so I can't tell if these changes fix it either, so I'm leaving the issue open.
There are two new issues filed due to these changes. #247 blames a893caf (close all open connections). #235 looks like it might have been using this as a feature, not a bug.
I don't use REUSE_DB=1
, so I've seen no change. I'm considering removing a893caf, and seeing if just setting the connection to None will work.
I think that we are experiencing this indirectly through django-aloe:
I'm facing this issue as well with django-nose==1.4.4
and Django==1.10.7
. Oddly, this happens on our CI environment if we run tests by mentioning the tests specifically on the command line. It does not surface if we just run the whole suite.
Also, I can consistently reproduce this with or without REUSE_DB=1. It happens even when a new DB is being created.
Turns out it was a function being called while setting a default argument for a test case that caused this. The function was trying to fetch data from DB but at the time of loading tests, the DB had not yet changed to the test DB. Fix was as simple as change
def test_example(self, value=get_value_from_db()):
def test_example(self, value=None):
value = value or get_value_from_db()