django-model-utils copied to clipboard
Multiple calls to annotate returns only latest annotation when calling select_subclasses.
When making chained calls to annotate()
on a single queryset, only the last annotation applied is returned after calling select_subclasses. If you don't call select_subclasses, you do receive all annotations.
- Django Model Utils version: 3.1.1
- Django version: 2.0
- Python version: 3.5.2
- Other libraries used, if any: n/a
Code examples
In the sample below, the only annotation that is available in the evaluated queryset is correct_count
import django
django.setup() # noqa
from django.db.models import Case, When, ExpressionWrapper, FloatField, Sum, Q
from sampleapp import models
correct_count_calc = ExpressionWrapper(
When((Q(answer__correct=True) & Q(answer__quizresult__user__is_superuser=False)), then=1),
), FloatField()
answered_count_calc = ExpressionWrapper(
When(answer__quizresult__user__is_superuser=False, then=1.0),
), FloatField()
q = models.BaseQuestion.objects.annotate(answered_count=answered_count_calc) \
It seems the problem stems from the snippet below, which sets (rather than appending to) the qset._annotated
value for each subsequent call to .annotate()
I have a simple fix for this issue here:
I was unable to get the test suite to run. They all fail with AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet.
If someone would be willing to help me out a bit, I'd love to submit a pull request with tests and such.
@tony Maybe you can take a look at this and let me know what you think?
I also encountered this problem.How did you solve it in the end? @digismack
@kaojistream I just ended up creating a fork of the repo with my patch applied and I use it in my project's requirements.txt file instead. Every so often I pull in the latest upstream changes. I'd love to get a patch and tests accepted, but I still can't get the tests to run. 🤷
Hi, just to say thanks, and to indicate that this problem didn't exist for my app with django 3.0. Upgrading to django 3.1 showed this up.
I'm facing some problems with duplicated annotations in your solution. To solve it, i've used this code instead yours in managers.InheritanceQuerySetManager.annotate:
annlist = [a.default_alias for a in args] + list(kwargs.keys())
if not hasattr(qset, '_annotated'):
qset._annotated = annlist
qset._annotated += [a for a in annlist if not a in qset._annotated]
This avoids duplicated names for anntations, but the problem with unfound annotations still persists for my app, so I guess there is some deeper cause for Django 3.1.3 + django-model-utils 4.0.0
@areyal @digismack Thank you for finding out this issue and possible solutions! I slightly changed the code and it worked (Django==3.1.7, django-model-utils==4.1.1)! You don't need to fork this repo, just subclass from django.db.models.QuerySet and add InheritanceQuerySetMixin.
class FixedInheritanceQuerySet(InheritanceQuerySetMixin, QuerySet):
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs):
qset = super(InheritanceQuerySetMixin, self).annotate(*args, **kwargs)
annlist = [a.default_alias for a in args] + list(kwargs.keys())
if not hasattr(qset, '_annotated'):
qset._annotated = annlist
qset._annotated.extend(a for a in annlist if a not in qset._annotated)
return qset