
Results 28 comments of jazz1611

> > > Thanks m8, it works for me on flowplayer and jwplayer so ill release an update. hello, do i need `//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@latest` in jwplayer setting when run your script...

> > > @jazz1611 You can add it if you want but it's not necessary hello, okay. without that hls.js the player still work at normal but this issues still...

the p2p lib and your script still working in jwplayer?

@Teranode hello, i just tested again. p2p lib and your script working with jwplayer v8.20.2. in Firefox can play with alot client p2p but in Chrome i open 2 tab...

hello, can you suggest the setting for VOD with 5sec per segment in JW Player? I use default setting or below setting but it almost stuck at 9-14 sec in...

hello @pukkandan can you check this link too? it have multi quality but yt-dlp can show only 480P ``` youtube-dl -UvF "https://vk.com/video_ext.php?oid=704429349&id=456241593&hash=4a44206b01d8e773&hd=2" [debug] Command-line config: ['-UvF', 'https://vk.com/video_ext.php?oid=704429349&id=456241593&hash=4a44206b01d8e773&hd=2'] [debug] Encodings: locale...

hello, there is new link valid with copyright free https://1drv.ms/v/s!AtOM4nXMml6LhVtwL9LELS4JOEN7?e=294Cws https://1drv.ms/v/s!AtOM4nXMml6LhVwMjPaz6OfAWUlK?e=BtfwCS i will find other sharepoint link at soon

Hello @seproDev I tried building with this fix and it works stably. Can you apply to yt-dlp officially soon? ``` root@ubuntu:~# ./yt-dlp -Uv "https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=0ByeS4oOUV-49Zzh4R1J6R09zazQ" [debug] Command-line config: ['-Uv', 'https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=0ByeS4oOUV-49Zzh4R1J6R09zazQ'] [debug]...