Jazz icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Jazz copied to clipboard

Jazz - modern and fast programming language.


Jazz - JIT/AOT compiled programming language that uses gccjit for emitting machine code.


You can see roadmap there: Jazz Roadmap


  • ~~comptime functions~~ DONE!
  • Macros
  • ~~Jazz2C++ Translator~~ DONE!
  • ~~Struct initialization:~~ DONE!

Building book

$ cd book
$ mdbook build
$ mdbook serve

Now you can open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

Example code


import "std/libc.jazz"
func factorial(x: i32) i32 {
    if x == 0 {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return factorial(x - 1) * x;

pub func main() i32 {

    return 0;


  1. Install libgccjit with version >= 9: Fedora Linux
    sudo dnf install libgccjit-devel
    Ubuntu Linux
    sudo apt install libgccjit-9-dev
  2. Run cargo build --release
  3. Run cargo install --path .

Libraries and programs written in Jazz

  • AllegroJazz Jazz bindings to Allegro 5 library.
    • Snake Snake game written in Jazz using AllegroJazz library