html2text icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
html2text copied to clipboard

Golang HTML to plaintext conversion library

Results 24 html2text issues
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- as go module - added command binary to .gitignore

The contents of the noscript tag is not really considered part of the raw text of an HTML document. This patch skips over such tags and I've added a little...

When writing the headers to the output there is no need to add punctation. The extracted text shoudl not have anything that is not in the actual text. In addition...

For me, being relatively new to Go, not having a go.mod and dealing with all this GOPATH-mess seems strange. Hence: Add a `go.mod` :)

After the merge of #49 I found the test suite is failing. Going back to the previous commit makes it pass again. starting phase `check' --- FAIL: TestLinks (0.00s) html2text_test.go:469:...

This PR is similar to #32, with the following deviations: - only citation style links, no omitTableNodes etc - multiple links to the same URL get the same citation index...

Bug downloading url: This is my code for parsing url: // Get plain text content plain, err := html2text.FromString(string(bodyBytes), html2text.Options{PrettyTables: true}) I got error: signal: killed It works pretty...

Hi! When trying to read and recognize html, a very long response occurs, the file attached ```golang file, err := os.Open("test.txt") if err != nil { log.Println("err", err) } b,...

I see you markdown the text like to *. Any chance to have option to disable it?