Jason Shao
Jason Shao
Observed behavior is edits from multiple windows/multiple machines, if not aggressively refreshed can overwrite each other. This shows up as deletions in the git history. While somewhat obscure - my...
Is there a link to the Swagger file in the default published documentation controls? Would be nice to enable some kind of friendly machine-readable form for client-generation or the like...
It would be nice for JSON schemas to be first class citizens - e.g. editable as separate documents - and includable in hubs with a renderer and samples The particular...
It would be nice to be able to filter which tags to show in the documentation hub. The use case I'm thinking of is wanting to be able to document...
I came across a screen owner that has placements at shooting ranges and categorized under casual dining venue type (I suspect that shooting ranges have areas where people can have...
... as we are now seeing advertisement in restrooms
Currently we have: Taxi & Rideshare TV | Advertising displays placed inside taxis and rideshare vehicles visible to passengers in the back seat. | 103 | transit.taxi_rideshare_tv -- | --...
The current spec is somewhat ambiguous for interior vs. exterior displays on some vehicles
Outmoove, a DSP, would like for us to consider “Street” as a parent level category. Under this Parent category, the following Children categories can be populated: * Banners/Panels * Urban...
Most (but not all of our spaces) have "Lobby" or something close (e.g. Grocery stores have "Shop Entrance"). This proposal is to make this more-or-less standard for all spaces where...