Jayant Navrange
Jayant Navrange
I felt that thing, but your comment clarified this.. Good luck mate, thanks for the library, hope to see it improving soon. Regards.
> Same Problem. > Tell me solution Check this out - https://github.com/amitshekhariitbhu/Fast-Android-Networking/issues/307
Its [Deprecated](https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/734680371318112/?comment_id=743056360480513)
> Its [Deprecated](https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/734680371318112/?comment_id=743056360480513) Because 👆 Login to read the discussion
Commenting to confirm. Just updated to newest version, previously using 12.3.1. The stated issue exists in version 13.x.x and isn't solved yet in the latest one.
Its [Deprecated](https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/734680371318112/?comment_id=743056360480513)
Same for me..Last item cause crash onLongClick
I got it working..The problem I'm having is we need to first select the image then we can change/edit the edge,and after that result is generated.Camera logics need to written...