antinex-core icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
antinex-core copied to clipboard

Network exploit detection using highly accurate pre-trained deep neural networks with Celery + Keras + Tensorflow + Redis

AntiNex Core

Automating network exploit detection using highly accurate pre-trained deep neural networks.

As of 2018-03-12, the core can repeatedly predict attacks on Django, Flask, React + Redux, Vue, and Spring application servers by training using the pre-recorded AntiNex datasets_ with cross validation scores above ~99.8% with automated scaler normalization.

.. image:: :target:

Accuracy + Training + Cross Validation in a Jupyter Notebook

Using a Pre-Trained Deep Neural Network in a Jupyter Notebook

.. _AntiNex datasets:


The core is a Celery worker pool for processing training and prediction requests for deep neural networks to detect network exploits (Nex) using Keras and Tensorflow in near real-time. Internally each worker manages a buffer of pre-trained models identified by the label from the initial training request. Once trained, a model can be used for rapid prediction testing provided the same label name is used on the prediction request. Models can also be re-trained by using the training api with the same label. While the initial focus is on network exploits, the repository also includes mock stock data for demonstrating running a worker pool to quickly predict regression data (like stock prices) with many, pre-trained deep neural networks.

This repository is a standalone training and prediction worker pool that is decoupled from the AntiNex REST API:

AntiNex Stack Status

AntiNex Core Worker is part of the AntiNex stack:

.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1

    • Component
    • Build
    • Docs Link
    • Docs Build
    • REST API <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Travis Tests :target:
    • Docs <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Read the Docs REST API Tests :target:
    • Core Worker <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Travis AntiNex Core Tests :target:
    • Docs <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Read the Docs AntiNex Core Tests :target:
    • Network Pipeline <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Travis AntiNex Network Pipeline Tests :target:
    • Docs <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Read the Docs AntiNex Network Pipeline Tests :target:
    • AI Utils <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Travis AntiNex AI Utils Tests :target:
    • Docs <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Read the Docs AntiNex AI Utils Tests :target:
    • Client <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Travis AntiNex Client Tests :target:
    • Docs <>__
    • .. image:: :alt: Read the Docs AntiNex Client Tests :target:


pip install antinex-core

Optional for Generating Images

If you want to generate images please install python3-tk on Ubuntu.


sudo apt-get install python3-tk


Start the container for browsing with Jupyter:


# if you do not have docker compose installed, you can try installing it with:
# pip install docker-compose
cd docker

Open Jupyter Notebook with Django Deep Neural Network Analysis

Default password is: admin


View Notebook Presentation Slides

#. Use Alt + r inside the notebook

#. Use the non-vertical scolling url: http://localhost:8889/Slides-AntiNex-Protecting-Django.slides.html

#. Use the non-vertical scolling url: http://localhost:8890/Slides-AntiNex-Using-Pre-Trained-Deep-Neural-Networks-For-Defense.slides.html


Please make sure redis is running and accessible before starting the core:



With redis running and the antinex-core pip installed in the python 3 runtime, use this command to start the core:



Or with celery:


celery worker -A antinex_core.antinex_worker -l DEBUG

Publish a Predict Request

To train and predict with the new automated scaler-normalized dataset with a 99.8% prediction accuracy for detecting attacks using a wide, two-layer deep neural network with the AntiNex datasets_ run the following steps.

.. _AntiNex datasets:


Please make sure to clone the dataset repo to the pre-configured location:


mkdir -p -m 777 /opt/antinex
git clone /opt/antinex/antinex-datasets

Django - Train and Predict


./antinex_core/scripts/ -f training/scaler-full-django-antinex-simple.json

Flask - Train and Predict


./antinex_core/scripts/ -f training/scaler-full-flask-antinex-simple.json

React and Redux - Train and Predict


./antinex_core/scripts/ -f training/scaler-full-react-redux-antinex-simple.json

Vue - Train and Predict


./antinex_core/scripts/ -f training/scaler-full-vue-antinex-simple.json

Spring - Train and Predict


./antinex_core/scripts/ -f training/scaler-full-spring-antinex-simple.json

Accuracy and Prediction Report

After a few minutes the final report will be printed out like:


2018-03-11 23:35:00,944 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30178 - label_value=1.0 predicted=1 label=attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,944 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30179 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,944 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30180 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,944 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30181 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,944 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30182 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,945 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30183 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,945 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30184 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,945 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30185 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,945 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30186 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,945 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30187 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,945 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30188 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,945 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30189 - label_value=1.0 predicted=1 label=attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,945 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30190 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,945 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30191 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,946 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30192 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,946 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30193 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,946 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30194 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,946 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30195 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,946 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30196 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,946 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30197 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,946 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30198 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,946 - antinex-prc - INFO - sample=30199 - label_value=-1.0 predicted=-1 label=not_attack
2018-03-11 23:35:00,947 - antinex-prc - INFO - Full-Django-AntiNex-Simple-Scaler-DNN made predictions=30200 found=30200 accuracy=99.84685430463577
2018-03-11 23:35:00,947 - antinex-prc - INFO - Full-Django-AntiNex-Simple-Scaler-DNN - saving model=full-django-antinex-simple-scaler-dnn

If you do not have the datasets cloned locally, you can use the included minimized dataset from the repo:


./antinex_core/scripts/ -f training/scaler-django-antinex-simple.json

Publish a Train Request



Publish a Regression Prediction Request




The AntiNex core manages a pool of workers that are subscribed to process tasks found in two queues (webapp.train.requests and webapp.predict.requests). Tasks are defined as JSON dictionaries and must have the following structure:


    "label": "Django-AntiNex-Simple-Scaler-DNN",
    "dataset": "./tests/datasets/classification/cleaned_attack_scans.csv",
    "apply_scaler": true,
    "ml_type": "classification",
    "predict_feature": "label_value",
    "features_to_process": [
    "ignore_features": [
    "sort_values": [
    "seed": 42,
    "test_size": 0.2,
    "batch_size": 32,
    "epochs": 10,
    "num_splits": 2,
    "loss": "binary_crossentropy",
    "optimizer": "adam",
    "metrics": [
    "histories": [
    "model_desc": {
        "layers": [
                "num_neurons": 250,
                "init": "uniform",
                "activation": "relu"
                "num_neurons": 1,
                "init": "uniform",
                "activation": "sigmoid"
    "label_rules": {
        "labels": [
        "label_values": [
    "version": 1

Regression prediction tasks are also supported, and here is an example from an included dataset with mock stock prices:


    "label": "Scaler-Close-Regression",
    "dataset": "./tests/datasets/regression/stock.csv",
    "apply_scaler": true,
    "ml_type": "regression",
    "predict_feature": "close",
    "features_to_process": [
    "ignore_features": [
    "sort_values": [
    "seed": 7,
    "test_size": 0.2,
    "batch_size": 32,
    "epochs": 50,
    "num_splits": 2,
    "loss": "mse",
    "optimizer": "adam",
    "metrics": [
    "model_desc": {
        "layers": [
                "activation": "relu",
                "init": "uniform",
                "num_neurons": 200
                "activation": null,
                "init": "uniform",
                "num_neurons": 1

Splunk Environment Variables

This repository uses the Spylunking <>__ logger that supports publishing logs to Splunk over the authenticated HEC REST API. You can set these environment variables to publish to Splunk:


export SPLUNK_ADDRESS="<splunk address host:port>"
export SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS="<splunk api address host:port>"
export SPLUNK_USER="<splunk username for login>"
export SPLUNK_PASSWORD="<splunk password for login>"
export SPLUNK_TOKEN="<Optional - username and password will login or you can use a pre-existing splunk token>"
export SPLUNK_INDEX="<splunk index>"
export SPLUNK_QUEUE_SIZE="<num msgs allowed in queue - 0=infinite>"
export SPLUNK_RETRY_COUNT="<attempts per log to retry publishing>"
export SPLUNK_RETRY_BACKOFF="<cooldown in seconds per failed POST>"
export SPLUNK_SLEEP_INTERVAL="<sleep in seconds per batch>"
export SPLUNK_SOURCE="<splunk source>"
export SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE="<splunk sourcetype>"
export SPLUNK_TIMEOUT="<timeout in seconds>"
export SPLUNK_DEBUG="<1 enable debug|0 off - very verbose logging in the Splunk Publishers>"



virtualenv -p python3 ~/.venvs/antinexcore && source ~/.venvs/antinexcore/bin/activate && pip install -e .


Run all


python test

Run a test case


python -m unittest tests.test_train.TestTrain.test_train_antinex_simple_success_retrain


flake8 .

pycodestyle .


Apache 2.0 - Please refer to the LICENSE_ for more details

.. _License: