semantic-highlight.vim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
semantic-highlight.vim copied to clipboard

Cannot seem to set colors

Open samaursa opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

Vim version: 8.0 Vim type: terminal

The plugin itself works, but the colors are not great (e.g. black being used - there are also a few other colors that don't work with my current theme):


I tried setting the colors using the suggested semanticTermColors variables but it seems to have no effect whatsoever. I did do a RebuildSemanticColors each time and for good measure, closed/open vim again.

When I launch gvim, the colors are fairly decent, as seen here:


What I am doing wrong? I would like colors that would work well with a dark theme.

samaursa avatar Mar 31 '18 02:03 samaursa

Same here, I bet it as something to do with truecolors or terminal colors


    Plug 'jaxbot/semantic-highlight.vim'
    let g:semanticGUIColors = [ '#72d572', '#72d572', '##72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572', '#72d572' , '#72d572', '#72d572' ]
    :execute "RebuildSemanticColors"
$  vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Apr 15 2020 06:40:31)
Included patches: 1-2269
Modified by [email protected]
Compiled by [email protected]
Huge version with GTK3 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+acl               -farsi             -mouse_sysmouse    -tag_any_white
+arabic            +file_in_path      +mouse_urxvt       +tcl
+autocmd           +find_in_path      +mouse_xterm       +termguicolors
+autochdir         +float             +multi_byte        +terminal
-autoservername    +folding           +multi_lang        +terminfo
+balloon_eval      -footer            -mzscheme          +termresponse
+balloon_eval_term +fork()            +netbeans_intg     +textobjects
+browse            +gettext           +num64             +textprop
++builtin_terms    -hangul_input      +packages          +timers
+byte_offset       +iconv             +path_extra        +title
+channel           +insert_expand     +perl              +toolbar
+cindent           +job               +persistent_undo   +user_commands
+clientserver      +jumplist          +postscript        +vartabs
+clipboard         +keymap            +printer           +vertsplit
+cmdline_compl     +lambda            +profile           +virtualedit
+cmdline_hist      +langmap           -python            +visual
+cmdline_info      +libcall           +python3           +visualextra
+comments          +linebreak         +quickfix          +viminfo
+conceal           +lispindent        +reltime           +vreplace
+cryptv            +listcmds          +rightleft         +wildignore
+cscope            +localmap          -ruby              +wildmenu
+cursorbind        +lua               +scrollbind        +windows
+cursorshape       +menu              +signs             +writebackup
+dialog_con_gui    +mksession         +smartindent       +X11
+diff              +modify_fname      +sound             -xfontset
+digraphs          +mouse             +spell             +xim
+dnd               +mouseshape        +startuptime       +xpm
-ebcdic            +mouse_dec         +statusline        +xsmp_interact
+emacs_tags        +mouse_gpm         -sun_workshop      +xterm_clipboard
+eval              -mouse_jsbterm     +syntax            -xterm_save
+ex_extra          +mouse_netterm     +tag_binary        
+extra_search      +mouse_sgr         -tag_old_static   

juanMarinero avatar Aug 10 '20 08:08 juanMarinero

How do you go about configuring under lua ?

I was aiming for something along the lines of:

local status_ok, semantic = pcall(require, "semantic")    
if not status_ok then    
semantic.setup {    

But I don't know what variable name to have in the pcall()

stephaneeybert avatar Apr 05 '22 10:04 stephaneeybert