OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier copied to clipboard
click trigger event
I tried multiple things to trigger a click on a marker, but it doesn't seem to work. What I want to achieve is to auto click the first marker on initialisation, so the first infowindow is open. I don't get an error message, so I think the syntax is correct.
oms.trigger(oms.a[0], 'click');
I looked at the coffeescript file and it's using the google event listeners. So right now I'm doing something like this on my google map drag event. Though I need to work out the kinks to have my crosshairs which is centered on my map to move slowly instead of jerky.
that.currentPositionMarker().setPosition({lat: that.map().center.lat(), lng: that.map().center.lng()});
var nearbyMarker = oms.markersNearMarker(that.currentPositionMarker(),true);
if ((nearbyMarker || []).length){