Did you saw this? https://www.elastic.co/blog/restricting-users-kibana-filtered-aliases
I've got a fork with this feature, it's not tested yet, but I've been using it on a project for several weeks. You can pull it here: https://github.com/jobtitude/seedbank ( make...
@bradgreens Check out this: https://github.com/javifr/seedbank May be it can help you, is my fork with this thing working...
+1 for @timbunce
HI @nnnnathann, I ended up building another plugin based on this one: https://github.com/javifr/logstash-output-s3csv I'm using it on a production environment and everything is working fine.
- 1 I'm having the same problem using @ngCordova BarcodeScanner ( http://ngcordova.com/ ). It only happens on iOS and not on Android. I'm quite lost here... some help would be...
NICE WORK, waiting for that "plug-in" ! I wrote a little post about consuming hypermedia API's with Restangular in case someone needs to check it out while the "plug-in" is...