MaterialStyledDialogs copied to clipboard
How to set Button Color
I am stuck to set Button color e.g i want to make black positive and red negative button.
I really want to know how to do that too.
@javiersantos may you help us?
Need this too
Same question for me
As the library is based on material-dialogs by @afollestad, you can define the button colours in your styles.xml
I will work on a better solution, but this workaround could help meanwhile.
Thanks @javiersantos!
@waqas117 @guuilp @idragon81 @Manu206 read this:
You have to put this in your app style:
By default, the positive action text color is derived
from the colorAccent attribute of AppCompat or android:colorAccent
attribute of the Material theme.
<item name="md_positive_color">#673AB7</item>
@DanielVd Thank you very much, dude.. You saved my day.