react-number-easing copied to clipboard
Request: Add ts definitions
I was having problems with webpack adding the module to my ts declarations, so I just did this real quick.
This is how I added missing types to project:
// tsconfig.json
"typeRoots": [
// types/react-number-easing/index.d.ts
declare module 'react-number-easing' {
import * as React from "react"
// Following doesn't work without installling @types/eases
// import type TEases from 'eases'
// type TEaseTypes = keyof typeof TEases
type TEaseTypes = 'backInOut' | 'backIn' | 'backOut' | 'bounceInOut' | 'bounceIn' | 'bounceOut' | 'circInOut' | 'circIn' | 'circOut' | 'cubicInOut' | 'cubicIn' | 'cubicOut' | 'elasticInOut' | 'elasticIn' | 'elasticOut' | 'expoInOut' | 'expoIn' | 'expoOut' | 'linear' | 'quadInOut' | 'quadIn' | 'quadOut' | 'quartInOut' | 'quartIn' | 'quartOut' | 'quintInOut' | 'quintIn' | 'quintOut' | 'sineInOut' | 'sineIn' | 'sineOut'
interface NumberEasingProps {
* The value that you want to display at the end of the animation. This is the target value.
value: number,
* How fast do you want to finish the animation?
* @default 500
speed?: number,
* The easing equation for the animation.
* @default 'quintInOut'
ease?: TEaseTypes,
* Decimals number
* @default 0
decimals?: number,
* Function that replaces the default `Number(value).toString(decimals)` render function.
* @default undefined
customFunctionRender?: (value: number, decimals: number) => string,
const NumberEasing: React.FC<NumberEasingProps>
export = NumberEasing
@piotr-cz can I add those definitions to the project? if you like to open a PR I'll merge but I can also copy them add you to the changelog notes :) thank you!
@javierbyte Done @maxwellfortney Please check #19 if you can.
2 years later I still find myself needing number easing, so i've gone ahead and released my own TS version, with some other small changes