timeline-arrows copied to clipboard
Class to easily draw lines to connect items in the vis Timeline module. See examples here: https://javdome.github.io/timeline-arrows/index.html
Following the issue of vis https://github.com/almende/vis/issues/1699, and thanks to the comments of @frboyer and @JimmyCheng, I have created a class to easily draw lines to connect items in the vis Timeline module.
Install & initialize
1 - Download the package
npm install timeline-arrows
2 - Import the class Arrow
from arrow.js
in your project
3 - Create your timeline as usual (see vis-timeline docs).
For instance:
const my_timeline = new vis.Timeline(container, items, groups, options);
4 - Create your arrows as an array of objects. These objets must have, at least, the following properties:
- id
- id_item_1 (id of one timeline's items)
- id_item_2 (id of the other timeline's items that you want to connect with)
And optionally:
- title (insert a text and it will show a title if you hover the mouse in the arrow)
For instance:
var arrows_array = [
{ id: 2, id_item_1: 1, id_item_2: 2 },
{ id: 5, id_item_1: 3, id_item_2: 5, title:'Hello!!!' },
{ id: 7, id_item_1: 6, id_item_2: 7 },
{ id: 10, id_item_1: 3, id_item_2: 8, title:'I am a title!!!' }
5 - Create your Arrow instance for your timeline and your arrows.
For instance:
const my_Arrow = new Arrow(my_timeline, arrows_array);
That's it :)
Options can be used to customize the arrows. Options are defined as a JSON object. All options are optional.
const options = {
followRelationships: true,
color: "#039E00"
const my_Arrow = new Arrow(my_timeline, arrows_array, options);
followRelationships - defaults to false. If true, arrows can point backwards and will follow the relationships set in the data. If false, arrows will only follow the timeline direction (left to right).
color - defaults to "#9c0000". Sets the arrows color.
I have created the following methods:
getArrow ( arrow id ) Returns the arrow whith this arrow_id.
For instance:
my_Arrow.getArrow (2);
addArrow ( arrow object ) Inserts a new arrow.
For instance:
my_Arrow.addArrow ( { id: 13, id_item_1: 15, id_item_2: 16 } );
removeArrow ( arrow_Id ) Removes the arrows with this arrow_Id.
For instance:
my_Arrow.removeArrow ( 10 );
removeArrowbyItemId ( item_Id ) Removes the arrows connected with Items with this item_Id. Returns an array with the id's of the removed arrows.
For instance:
my_Arrow.removeArrowbyItemId ( 23 );
You can see some working examples here: