Results 36 issues of RUSLAN LÓPEZ CARRO

for: * comma * parameter * identifier


The [documentation for formatting]( is a little outdated, so here are some advances for it. Still no custom indentation configuration but it starts applying some formatting in certain circumstances, probably...


As per prolog docs source code [may have non English characters]( so let´s add them when requested. here's the first one: the character `ñ`


Tutorial is English only :cry:

I know that this is really not a big deal, but fixing should help people using NetBeans. Error message thrown is: > 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin is missing. @ line 48,...

I think that for Netbeans you have to pass through the very painful work of deploying your project to maven central and that's why I haven't even tried. Is OpenBeans...

I think the relevant part from the logs is: ``` INFO [org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.indexing.RepositoryUpdater]: Complete indexing of 4 source roots took: 3,357 ms (New or modified files: 15, Deleted files: 0) [Adding...

![image]( As you can see it point to the main site, however, I think it should point [here]( Keep up the good work.