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Translation review
Here is the list of all articles to review.
By "review" means somebody has read carefully article and approved there isn't issues.
An introduction
- [x] An Introduction to JavaScript
- [x] Manuals and specifications
- [x] Code editors
- [x] Developer console
JavaScript Fundamentals
- [x] Hello, world!
- [x] Code structure
- [ ] The modern mode, "use strict"
- [x] Variables
- [x] Data types
- [ ] Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
- [ ] Type Conversions
- [ ] Basic operators, maths
- [ ] Comparisons
- [ ] Conditional branching: if, '?'
- [ ] Logical operators
- [ ] Nullish coalescing operator '??'
- [ ] Loops: while and for
- [ ] The "switch" statement
- [ ] Functions
- [ ] Function expressions
- [ ] Arrow functions, the basics
- [ ] JavaScript specials
Code quality
- [ ] Debugging in the browser
- [x] Coding Style
- [ ] Comments
- [x] Ninja code
- [ ] Automated testing with Mocha
- [ ] Polyfills and transpilers
Objects: the basics
- [ ] Objects
- [ ] Object references and copying
- [ ] Garbage collection
- [ ] Object methods, "this"
- [ ] Constructor, operator "new"
- [ ] Optional chaining '?.'
- [ ] Symbol type
- [ ] Object to primitive conversion
Data types
- [ ] Methods of primitives
- [ ] Numbers
- [ ] Strings
- [ ] Arrays
- [x] Array methods
- [ ] Iterables
- [ ] Map and Set
- [ ] WeakMap and WeakSet
- [ ] Object.keys, values, entries
- [ ] Destructuring assignment
- [ ] Date and time
- [x] JSON methods, toJSON
Advanced working with functions
- [ ] Recursion and stack
- [ ] Rest parameters and spread syntax
- [ ] Variable scope, closure
- [ ] The old "var"
- [ ] Global object
- [ ] Function object, NFE
- [ ] The "new Function" syntax
- [ ] Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval
- [ ] Decorators and forwarding, call/apply
- [ ] Function binding
- [ ] Arrow functions revisited
Object properties configuration
Prototypes, inheritance
- [ ] Prototypal inheritance
- [ ] F.prototype
- [ ] Native prototypes
- [ ] Prototype methods, objects without proto
- [ ] Class basic syntax
- [ ] Class inheritance
- [ ] Static properties and methods
- [ ] Private and protected properties and methods
- [ ] Extending built-in classes
- [ ] Class checking: "instanceof"
- [ ] Mixins
Error handling
Promises, async/await
- [ ] Introduction: callbacks
- [ ] Promise
- [ ] Promises chaining
- [ ] Error handling with promises
- [ ] Promise API
- [ ] Promisification
- [ ] Microtasks
- [ ] Async/await
Generators, advanced iteration
- [ ] Modules, introduction
- [ ] Export and Import
- [ ] Dynamic imports
- [ ] Proxy and Reflect
- [ ] Eval: run a code string
- [ ] Currying
- [ ] Reference Type
- [ ] BigInt
Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces
- [x] Browser environment, specs
- [x] DOM tree
- [x] Walking the DOM
- [x] Searching: getElement*, querySelector*
- [ ] Node properties: type, tag and contents
- [ ] Attributes and properties
- [ ] Modifying the document
- [ ] Styles and classes
- [ ] Element size and scrolling
- [ ] Window sizes and scrolling
- [ ] Coordinates
Introduction to Events
- [ ] Introduction to browser events
- [ ] Bubbling and capturing
- [ ] Event delegation
- [ ] Browser default actions
- [ ] Dispatching custom events
UI Events
- [ ] Mouse events
- [ ] Moving the mouse: mouseover/out, mouseenter/leave
- [ ] Drag'n'Drop with mouse events
- [ ] Pointer events
- [ ] Keyboard: keydown and keyup
- [ ] Scrolling
Forms, controls
- [ ] Form properties and methods
- [ ] Focusing: focus/blur
- [ ] Events: change, input, cut, copy, paste
- [ ] Forms: event and method submit
Document and resource loading
- [ ] Page: DOMContentLoaded, load, beforeunload, unload
- [ ] Scripts: async, defer
- [ ] Resource loading: onload and onerror
Frames and windows
Binary data, files
- [ ] ArrayBuffer, binary arrays
- [ ] TextDecoder and TextEncoder
- [ ] Blob
- [ ] File and FileReader
Network requests
- [ ] Fetch
- [ ] FormData
- [ ] Fetch: Download progress
- [ ] Fetch: Abort
- [ ] Fetch: Cross-Origin Requests
- [ ] Fetch API
- [ ] URL objects
- [ ] XMLHttpRequest
- [ ] Resumable file upload
- [ ] Long polling
- [ ] WebSocket
- [ ] Server Sent Events
Storing data in the browser
- [ ] Bezier curve
- [ ] CSS-animations
- [ ] JavaScript animations
Web components
- [ ] From the orbital height
- [ ] Custom elements
- [ ] Shadow DOM
- [ ] Template element
- [ ] Shadow DOM slots, composition
- [ ] Shadow DOM styling
- [ ] Shadow DOM and events
Regular expressions
- [ ] Patterns and flags
- [ ] Character classes
- [ ] Unicode: flag "u" and class \p{...}
- [ ] Anchors: string start ^ and end $
- [ ] Multiline mode of anchors ^ $, flag "m"
- [ ] Word boundary: \b
- [ ] Escaping, special characters
- [ ] Sets and ranges [...]
- [ ] Quantifiers +, *, ? and {n}
- [ ] Greedy and lazy quantifiers
- [ ] Capturing groups
- [ ] Backreferences in pattern: \N and \k<name>
- [ ] Alternation (OR) |
- [ ] Lookahead and lookbehind
- [ ] Catastrophic backtracking
- [ ] Sticky flag "y", searching at position
- [ ] Methods of RegExp and String
Reviewed An Introduction to JavaScript and fixed mistakes, that was found in #350.
Перевірив Manuals and specifications, Code editors, Developer console Фікси тут #422
Review Coding style and fixed mistakes. #455
Found issue in Методи масивів PR #477
Review Методи JSON, toJSON PR #515
Review Браузерне середовище, специфікації PR #516
Review DOM дерево PR #517
Review Навігація по DOM PR #518
Review Пошук: getElement*, querySelector* PR #529
Review Hello, world!