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If a header is added in a ``, the header is not present in the output. Fixed the behavior by deferring the read of the headers till the very end.
Hi Jersey team, using the new CDI2 bridge for jersey, I have this error : ``` org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001409: Ambiguous dependencies for type HttpServletRequest with qualifiers @Default at injection point [BackedAnnotatedField]...
Please provide an option to prevent the two Jackson mappers from registering. See the problem description : (top voted answer). Mappers are registered in line 87 and 88....
So we can create REST service by the interface without code Resource object. And do load balance with proxy instance on PaaS.
The CSRFProtectionFilter uses the `X-Requested-By` header, which is fine and meets proper CSRF protection criteria. However- the [OWASP cheat sheet](, [wikipedia](, jquery, other frameworks, all recommend the `X-Requested-With` header instead....
Since the built-in Client uses `HttpURLConnection` and can only use a proxy if it is globally via system properties, I've looked into the other offered connector providers and stumbled onto...
When returning a large response using the Netty connector, a "Buffer overflow" error occurs. Switching from `jersey-container-netty-http` to `jersey-container-grizzly2-http` resolves the issue, so it appears to be specific to the...
I'm creating a JAX-RS server using the jetty http container. The resource is annotated with @Path("/services") and the whole JAX-RS handler is put under context "/my/path" (see code snippet below...
`JettyHttpContainer` has logic to support non-default context paths, but it miscalculates the request URI: the `getRequestURI` contains the context path, and it is appended `getServerAddress(baseUri)`, which also (correctly) contains the...
The servlet `ResponseWriter.failure` [rethrows exceptions]( so that they are logged, but the Netty version does not, which means exceptions thrown from service handlers are not logged. (I am listed for...