Jaume Ortolà
Jaume Ortolà
> Files that were in 6.3 are not in 6.4 snapshot (2024-02-20): Those files were moved to an external dependency (`english-pos-dict`). From the directory where you execute `java -jar languagetool.jar`,...
This file can be found in the snapshots: https://internal1.languagetool.org/snapshots/ (download a snapshot and decompress). Locally, it can be found at `languagetool/languagetool-standalone/target/LanguageTool-6.4-SNAPSHOT/LanguageTool-6.4-SNAPSHOT/` after doing `mvn clean install -DskipTests`.
Your problem is related to file paths on Windows. Later, I will be able to check it on Windows. Maybe @fabrichter or @SteVio89 have some idea. ``` Caused by: java.nio.file.InvalidPathException:...
I can reproduce the error on Windows, and it can be easily solved by disabling or removing the test in `en/DynamicMorfologikLanguageTest.java`. Does it mean that DynamicMorfologikLanguage.java doesn't work properly on...
I disabled the test here. Please check if it solves the issue for you. https://github.com/languagetool-org/languagetool/commit/b5c89420fded0fc69e26a7343c4ae546a973a95c > The problem with standalone LT cannot be related to a server with configutation on...
@MikeUnwalla: Does the problem persist? I asked a couple of people to run the tests on Windows, but they couldn't reproduce the problem.
I updated the [instructions for doing this task](https://github.com/languagetool-org/languagetool/blob/master/languagetool-language-modules/en/src/main/resources/org/languagetool/resource/en/hunspell/make_en_gb_dict.sh), so that other people can do it as well.
@marcoagpinto Don't worry. I can do it. But we want some other people in the English team to learn to do it.
(Havia escrit un missatge i ara veig que no s'ha desat. Intento repetir-lo). Ja tenim algunes excepcions per al significat de «descarregar d'internet», però segurament no cobreixen tots els casos....
Gràcies. He fet alguns canvis per a evitar aquests falsos positius: https://github.com/languagetool-org/languagetool/commit/d21f90eb87af834849a04d779d2ea2052d0fdff0 L'únic que podem fer és introduir paraules dels contexts en què es pot admetre `baixar-se`.