And this is with the latest nightly build? OpenGL should be turned off by default, unless it was enabled previously. You may want to delete the global plugin settings file...
Just wanted to check if there's any update on this bug with the latest nightly build?
Interesting, yes I think the CPU being limited to SSE2 is likely the cause of the crash. Probably the simplest way to know for sure would be to check if...
Oh interesting... I can't think how switching from VS to llvm would change the SIMD instructions being used. I wonder if there might be some shared library or something that...
Hmmm, when I've run into this issue on Linux before, it's been because one (or more) of the dependencies was missing. For reference, [these are the dependencies](https://github.com/Chowdhury-DSP/releases/blob/main/plugins/ChowCentaur/linux_build.sh#L48) that I use...
Hmmm, I noticed that Jack wasn't part of the dependencies... i wonder if that could be the problem. As a test, would it be possible to try compile without Jack?...
Oh yeah, I see I missed that when I read the list initially. Building without Jack probably won't make a different then. Would it be possible to try adding a...
Actually, here's a branch with the print statements added: https://github.com/jatinchowdhury18/KlonCentaur/compare/nix-os-debug Definitely let me know what you find!
Thank you! LV2 builds are already available on Linux. You can either [build from source](https://github.com/jatinchowdhury18/KlonCentaur#building-from-source), or try the Linux installer on the [nightly builds](https://chowdsp.com/nightly.html#centaur) page.
> What about LV2 builds for windows and mac? Took a look at it this morning. There is a now an [`lv2` branch](https://github.com/jatinchowdhury18/KlonCentaur/tree/lv2), which contains a CMake build flag to...