John Athayde
John Athayde
Interesting follow up - I've been trying to work on this intermittently. A real-time render on a similar PDF on the site will do hundreds of images no problem. Only...
This helped me with the same issue. Thanks!
Okay, so I've tried the fixed-position.css suggestion from @cristianocd (which didn't work since things are positioned in other ways) and have `skrollr-body` wrapping the scrollable content. Scrolling works as planned...
So apparently, my error was due to the min-height. I set it to a pixel for the tablet (it was already set for the iPhone) and it works. Maybe that...
@jorybraun - no such app at that URL. did you dry the min-height hack? I'd pull up the iOS simulator (inside the xCode bundle) for accurate mobile Safari testing.
Yeah. If I recall, I had it in a media query for the Tablet/iPad, but not the phone, so I was having this issue. When I cloned that rule into...
Jory - All I can say is that I did the 1px hack and it worked for me at the time with the site I was building (which only used...
As far as translation goes, this is all handled by Google Translate in the browser. We are looking at options to exclude or force certain words, but it may not...
@carlosantoniodasilva anything else we need to address here?
Thanks Idan! I’m totally open to trying this. I’m traveling this week and will try to review it. I really appreciate the source references!