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Querying a Singleton field
I see functions for querying Text, Choice, Bool, and File via fieldInputText, etc., but there doesn't appear to be a function for querying a Singleton. I attempted to write one myself, but I'm a little baffled by the error I'm getting because I've basically just copied from the fieldInputText function.
fieldInputSingleton :: forall v a. T.Text -> View v -> a
fieldInputSingleton ref (View _ _ form input _ method) =
queryField path form eval'
path = toPath ref
eval' :: Field v b -> a
eval' field = case field of
Singleton x -> undefined
--Singleton x -> evalField method [] (Singleton x)
f -> error $ T.unpack ref ++ ": expected (Singleton _), " ++
"but got: (" ++ show f ++ ")"
When I replace Singleton x -> undefined
(line 79) with the one below it that's commented out, I get the following error:
Could not deduce (b ~ a2)
from the context (Monad m)
bound by a pattern with constructor
View :: forall v a (m :: * -> *).
Monad m =>
-> Path
-> FormTree Data.Functor.Identity.Identity v m a
-> [(Path, FormInput)]
-> [(Path, v)]
-> Method
-> View v,
in an equation for `fieldInputSingleton'
at src/Util/Digestive/Heist.hs:72:26-53
`b' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for eval' :: Field v1 b -> a2
at src/Util/Digestive/Heist.hs:77:26
`a2' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for eval' :: Field v1 b -> a2
at src/Util/Digestive/Heist.hs:77:26
Relevant bindings include
x :: b (bound at src/Util/Digestive/Heist.hs:79:35)
field :: Field v1 b (bound at src/Util/Digestive/Heist.hs:78:23)
eval' :: Field v1 b -> a2
(bound at src/Util/Digestive/Heist.hs:78:17)
In the first argument of `Singleton', namely `x'
In the third argument of `evalField', namely `(Singleton x)'
What am I missing?
Stuck on this too...