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How do I solve runtime error “HTTP request failed with: when is not a field” when GETting the form?
I have a simple and incomplete Happstack application, that consists of a digestive-functors form defined as follows:
setRecFormSpec :: Monad m => Form Text m Reminder
setRecFormSpec = Reminder
<$> "progname" .: string Nothing
<*> "channel" .: string Nothing
<*> "when" .: localTimeFormlet "%d/%m/%Y" "%H:%M" Nothing
<*> "recordLimit" .: stringRead "Can't parse number" (Just 7)
and its view defined as follows:
setRecView :: View H.Html -> H.Html
setRecView view = do
H.div ! A.class_ "container" $ do
H.h1 "Set Record Reminder"
childErrorList "" view
divFormGroup $ do
label "progname" view "Program Name:"
formControl $ inputText "progname" view
divFormGroup $ do
label "channel" view "Channel:"
formControl $ inputText "channel" view
divFormGroup $ do
label "when" view "When:"
formControl $ inputText "when" view
divFormGroup $ do
label "recordLimit" view "Recording Limit (days):"
formControl $ inputText "recordLimit" view
divFormGroup $ do
formControl $ inputSubmit "Signup"
-- divFormGroup -- candidate to go into a Bootstrap library
divFormGroup :: H.Html -> H.Html
divFormGroup h =
H.div ! A.class_ "form-group" $ h
-- formControl -- candidate to go into a Bootstrap library
formControl :: H.Html -> H.Html
formControl h = (h ! A.class_ "form-control")
Reminder is defined as follows:
data Reminder = Reminder {
programName :: String -- ^ name of program
, channel :: String -- ^ name of broadcast channel
, firstShowing :: LocalTime -- ^ time of first showing
, timerPeriodDays :: Integer -- ^ how far in advance we can set timer, in days
} deriving (Show)
When I browse to the path for the form (/setrec) I get a blank page with the following error message printed on the console:
HTTP request failed with: when is not a field
I've found where that error message is defined (in https://github.com/jaspervdj/digestive-functors/blob/7e50d5686abc4b39389ed195693660d758987c7c/digestive-functors/src/Text/Digestive/Form/Internal.hs ) but I can't see from there why the 'when' field would not be found.
What is the problem here?
How do I debug this kind of issue?
Here's a link to the whole code on github, in case you need to look more deeply at the code: