Jason Varga
Jason Varga
In #7753 the date field will only update when you're done.
Closing as it's quite simple using the Bard Mutator addon. There's even an example in the docs about how to change to `picture` elements: https://jacksleight.dev/docs/bard-mutator/examples#render-all-images-with-a-custom-view-partial
The difficult part is figuring out how to get people to migrate dates properly when upgrading. Also, since we put human readable dates in entry filenames (like `2024-03-28.post.md`) it would...
[Part 6 of the series](http://culttt.com/2015/02/25/creating-a-php-shopping-basket-part-6-meta-data-and-processing/) leads me to think that I could calculate any order-specific discounts inside my implementation of `DiscountsMetaData`.
Just to clarify what you mean: When you try to visit a CP url while logged out, you get redirected to the login screen, and once you login you should...
Amazing. We were about to do this ourselves.
Maybe the translation can be changed if it's a RTL language. e.g. instead of saying `beginning (left-side)` it would be translated to `beginning (right-side)`.
Hey @peimn why did slug fields need to be `ltr`?
Okay I will leave it how you had it then. Thanks!
I've made a change to how the text direction of the CP is decided. You had it so that it depends on the selected site. I've changed it so that...