brackets-sass copied to clipboard
not working
Error: libsass
bindings not found in C:\Users\amitmdesign\AppData\Roaming\Brackets\extensions\user\jasonsanjose.brackets-sass\node\2.0.3\node_modules\node-sass\vendor\win32-ia32-48\binding.node. Try reinstalling node-sass
? at Object.sass.getBinaryPath (C:\Users\amitmdesign\AppData\Roaming\Brackets\extensions\user\jasonsanjose.brackets-sass\node\2.0.3\node_modules\node-sass\lib\extensions.js:148:11) at Object. (C:\Users\amitmdesign\AppData\Roaming\Brackets\extensions\user\jasonsanjose.brackets-sass\node\2.0.3\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:16:36) at Module._compile (module.js:541:32) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10) at Module.load (module.js:458:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3) at Module.require (module.js:468:17) at require (internal/module.js:20:19) at Object. (C:\Users\amitmdesign\AppData\Roaming\Brackets\extensions\user\jasonsanjose.brackets-sass\node\2.0.3\render.js:39:12)
help me plz
I'm having the same problem.
@AmitMDesign @lucasmontec try this version:!N0lDmB5Z!N32mfb_YTtt6facHH0vkoCPHWq9tWD--jHiKAUPyqQ8
same here
@bobbidigi Can you try the version linked above?
I just downloaded but not sure how to install Never used a zip for extensions. Whats the next step
@bobbidigi Open the extension tab and drag the zip into it, but make sure all older version of the plugin were removed first.
Alternative source for working Brackets SASS @ v. 2.0.7 // I'm on Brackets 1.10
k thanks check back in a min if you have time.
its not letting me drag the file into the zip area. It might be because I have wnirar.
@Rafiozoo thank you so much! I've wasted 2 days on it and after giving up found your link. version 2.0.7 is only working solution for me. (on Brackets 1.13) And I'm very angry about this plugin with poor documentation and full of errors! Unfortunately there is no alternative for this plugin.
@Rafiozoo ОГРОМНОЕ ТЕБЕ СПАСИБО! Я на Brackets 1.13 и плагин по твоей ссылке работает с этой версией. Ещё раз тебе большое спасибо!!!
@Rafiozoo THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I'm on brackets 1.13 and the plugin on your link works with this version. Once again many thanks to you !!!