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⌨ Toward a more useful keyboard

Results 6 keyboard issues
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When I'm pressing (s)+(d) and holding (space) to select text, it only works when moving forward (pressing (l) key) and not when moving backwards (pressing (h). So that means I...

When I load the Hammerspoon config (which loads this keyboard), for sometime the period character "." works as expected. Every key press of "." inserts the "." character. Since the...

Hi, I recently starting using this set of code, but when I am in super-duper mode, I cannot hit f to go to command, as when I try things like...

In slack ⇧+ESC marks all chat as read, using the tap to escape plugin you cannot trigger this key command.


Dear Jason, I've been trying to install your keyboard on my Mac but when the bits are copied to the terminal the following error pops up: fatal: destination path '/Users/cyril/.keyboard'...