Hey @akmalhazim if you could, might help to talk in OSS slack? Some ideas: * That seems like maybe host validation. Wondering if there's some proxy/istio type thing in the...
https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/2085 I know i've been looking for something like this so if you've got it ready to go/use, would be very interested :) Was starting to write one myself and...
Will do soon as I can get a chance. Was working on some updates to the docker sections - e.g. originally was trying to get running in k8s, though leaning...
A reminder: This is a medium and will EVENTUALLY get merged via standard updates. If orgs want to help with patches, we'd welcome PRs, tests, etc. to improve & fix...
https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.io would welcome PR's here to document things!
Would absolutely welcome PRs to https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/blob/master/Dockerfile.ubuntu ;) to fix some of these. I wonder if the slim version might be better in this case?
Plan for a refactor/rename. Wish we had that mono repo going ;) Make this a lot easier as a single PR!
SO the challenge on "adoption" is... how well it works. AND handles refresh scopes. That's a whole different thing ;) BUT yeah... getting all the services using this would be...
This should be fixed with pull request https://github.com/nyxcharon/vault-ui/pull/23