MOST dependencies are managed via: https://github.com/spinnaker/kork/blob/master/spinnaker-dependencies/spinnaker-dependencies.gradle for library dependencies. SDK installs are done at the dockerfile layer typically in clouddriver. aka https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/blob/master/Dockerfile.slim#L9. Note java 17 isn't supported in spinnaker at...
https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/tree/master/clouddriver-artifacts/src/main/java/com/netflix/spinnaker/clouddriver/artifacts/github is where this code mostly lives. I don't know off hand if anyone has started work on it but contributions would be welcome ;)
@spinnakerbot remove-label stale
@spinnakerbot remove-label to-be-closed
@spinnakerbot remove-label stale
@spinnakerbot remove-label stale
AKA https://github.com/spinnaker/kork/pull/963
Changes to libraries are pulled via dependencies. Please take a look at https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/dependency-versions.html for example.
@dbyron-sf or @kskewes-sf not sure if spring boot 2.4 upgrade has this fixed in it? OR status on that?
Rosco for gitrepo artifacts (which is required for kustomize/helm bakes) does a http fetch from clouddriver's artifacts endpoint. CloudDriver is doing generating a TGZ after cloing the repo using the...