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How can I set http timeout for GraphQLClient rawRequest?
I need your help to know How can I set http timeout for GraphQLClient rawRequest? I was read the documentation but I didn't found anything about.
I found into source code RequestInit object that contains a timeout attribute. These param can set into GraphQLClient constructor.
I did install "2.1.0-next.1" version with NPM. In this version RequestInit doesn't have "timeout" attribute. How can I set http timeout with this version?
I checked the repository for usages of the timeout
, and it seems this option along with others are just transferred to CrossFetch. As far as I can see CrossFetch does not support timeout
So, it seems there is no support of the timeout in neither of the versions. Is it something that is under development?
I got client stuck on request today, and thanks @maximvsidorenko your work did save my time to find how to setup timeout. The cross-fetch is a proxy to the node-fetch and the github fetch (issue:
And both of these libraries can setup timeout in this way:
import AbortController from 'abort-controller'
const controller = new AbortController()
const timeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
}, 150)
try {
const response = await crossFetch('', {signal: controller.signal})
const data = await response.json()
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof crossFetch.AbortError) {
console.log('request was aborted')
} finally {
So you can setup timeout in Graph Client:
import { GraphQLClient, gql } from 'graphql-request'
import AbortController from 'abort-controller'
const controller = new AbortController();
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
}, 10)
const graphClient = new GraphQLClient(url, {
signal: controller.signal
// request
await graphClient.request(query, variables)
// rawRequest
graphClient.rawRequest(query, variables)
Didn't add try catch in last piece of code, sorry for that. Hope it helps.
I used the following:
const req = (route, query, variables, timeout) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const to = setTimeout(() => { reject({ data: {}, status: 408, error: 'Timeout' }); }, timeout); request(route, query, variables).then((data) => { resolve({ data, status: 200 }); }).finally(() => { clearTimeout(to); }).catch((error) => { reject({ data: {}, status: 500, error }); }); });
Note about the above solution; you'll need to clear that timeout or abort would still be called. A try/finally would work.
There's also an example of how to do this in examples/request-cancellation.ts
that doesn't rely on another npm module, using the native AbortController