jg-rtx copied to clipboard
Textures Missing from JG RTX
Thank you @erich666 for compiling this list!
- [x] oak_sapling
- [x] jungle_sapling
- [x] spruce_sapling
- [x] cactus_bottom
- [x] birch_sapling
- [x] piston_top_sticky
- [x] piston_top
- [x] piston_side
- [x] piston_bottom
- [x] piston_inner
- [x] brewing_stand
- [x] cocoa_stage2
- [x] cocoa_stage1
- [x] cocoa_stage0
- [x] tripwire
- [x] end_portal_frame_eye
- [ ] redstone_dust_dot (See #64)
- [x] pumpkin_stem
- [x] attached_pumpkin_stem
- [x] potatoes_stage0
- [x] potatoes_stage1
- [x] potatoes_stage2
- [x] nether_wart_stage0
- [x] nether_wart_stage1
- [x] nether_wart_stage2
- [x] beacon
- [x] dropper_front
- [x] dropper_front_vertical
- [x] acacia_sapling
- [x] dark_oak_sapling
- [x] white_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] orange_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] magenta_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] light_blue_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] yellow_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] lime_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] pink_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] gray_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] light_gray_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] cyan_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] purple_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] blue_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] brown_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] green_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] red_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] black_stained_glass_pane_top
- [x] chorus_plant
- [x] #58
- [x] chorus_flower_dead
- [x] command_block_conditional
- [x] frosted_ice_0
- [x] frosted_ice_1
- [x] frosted_ice_2
- [x] frosted_ice_3
- [ ] water_overlay
- [ ] redstone_dust_overlay
- [ ] white_shulker_box
- [ ] orange_shulker_box
- [ ] magenta_shulker_box
- [ ] light_blue_shulker_box
- [ ] yellow_shulker_box
- [ ] lime_shulker_box
- [ ] pink_shulker_box
- [ ] gray_shulker_box
- [ ] light_gray_shulker_box
- [ ] cyan_shulker_box
- [ ] purple_shulker_box
- [ ] blue_shulker_box
- [ ] brown_shulker_box
- [ ] green_shulker_box
- [ ] red_shulker_box
- [ ] black_shulker_box
- [ ] dried_kelp_bottom
- [x] kelp
- [x] kelp_plant
- [x] sea_pickle
- [x] tall_seagrass_bottom
- [x] tall_seagrass_top
- [ ] dead_tube_coral_block
- [ ] dead_bubble_coral_block
- [ ] dead_fire_coral_block
- [ ] brain_coral
- [x] fire_coral_fan
- [ ] horn_coral_fan
- [ ] dead_tube_coral_fan
- [ ] dead_brain_coral_fan
- [ ] dead_bubble_coral_fan
- [x] dead_fire_coral_fan
- [ ] dead_horn_coral_fan
- [x] turtle_egg
- [x] turtle_egg_slightly_cracked
- [x] turtle_egg_very_cracked
- [x] conduit
- [ ] dead_brain_coral
- [ ] bamboo_singleleaf
- [ ] bamboo_stage0
- [x] bell_top
- [x] bell_side
- [x] bell_bottom
- [x] composter_compost
- [x] composter_ready
- [x] jigsaw_top
- [x] jigsaw_bottom
- [x] jigsaw_side
- [x] loom_bottom
- [ ] stonecutter_top
- [ ] stonecutter_side
- [ ] stonecutter_bottom
- [ ] stonecutter_saw
- [x] bee_nest_front_honey
- [x] soul_campfire_fire
- [x] soul_campfire_log_lit
- [x] crimson_roots_pot
- [x] warped_roots_pot
- [x] respawn_anchor_top
- [x] respawn_anchor_top_off
- [x] respawn_anchor_side0
- [x] respawn_anchor_side1
- [x] respawn_anchor_side2
- [x] respawn_anchor_side3
- [x] respawn_anchor_side4
- [x] respawn_anchor_bottom
- [x] jigsaw_lock
- [x] chain
- [x] candle
- [x] candle_lit
- [x] white_candle
- [x] orange_candle
- [x] magenta_candle
- [x] light_blue_candle
- [x] yellow_candle
- [x] lime_candle
- [x] pink_candle
- [x] gray_candle
- [x] light_gray_candle
- [x] cyan_candle
- [x] purple_candle
- [x] blue_candle
- [x] brown_candle
- [x] green_candle
- [x] red_candle
- [x] black_candle
- [x] white_candle_lit
- [x] orange_candle_lit
- [x] magenta_candle_lit
- [x] light_blue_candle_lit
- [x] yellow_candle_lit
- [x] lime_candle_lit
- [x] pink_candle_lit
- [x] gray_candle_lit
- [x] light_gray_candle_lit
- [x] cyan_candle_lit
- [x] purple_candle_lit
- [x] blue_candle_lit
- [x] brown_candle_lit
- [x] green_candle_lit
- [x] red_candle_lit
- [x] black_candle_lit
- [ ] lightning_rod_on
- [x] spore_blossom
- [x] spore_blossom_base
- [x] potted_azalea_bush_top
- [x] potted_flowering_azalea_bush_top
- [x] potted_azalea_bush_side
- [x] potted_flowering_azalea_bush_side
- [x] potted_azalea_bush_plant
- [x] potted_flowering_azalea_bush_plant
- [x] small_dripleaf_top
- [x] small_dripleaf_side
- [x] small_dripleaf_stem_top
- [x] small_dripleaf_stem_bottom
- [x] powder_snow
- [x] sculk_sensor_top
- [x] sculk_sensor_side
- [ ] sculk_sensor_bottom
- [x] sculk_sensor_tendril_active
- [x] sculk_sensor_tendril_inactive
Ha, wow, that'll keep you busy for the winter. Honestly, I look forward to all additions! The new version of Houdini (19) is out and they're doing a nice job with converting Mineways USD materials to PBR materials in their system. Here's a (noisy - needs more rays) render of my little test scene. The emitters are overdone so I could see the effect. The old obsidian textures are in use here. The one non-JG-RTX thing in the scene is the potted azalea.