proto-repl copied to clipboard
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fromId' of undefined
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
- Open Atom
- Try to start a REPL from Packages>proto-repl>Start REPL.
Atom: 1.40.1 x64 Electron: 3.1.10 OS: Mac OS X 10.14.6 Thrown From: proto-repl package 1.4.24
Stack Trace
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fromId' of undefined
At /Users/user/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
TypeError: Cannot read property 'fromId' of undefined
at InkConsole.module.exports.InkConsole.startConsole (/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at /packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at Repl.module.exports.Repl.consumeInk (/packages/proto-repl/lib/
at Object.prepareRepl (/packages/proto-repl/lib/
at Object.toggle (/packages/proto-repl/lib/
at /packages/proto-repl/lib/
at CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/<embedded>:11:349123)
at CommandRegistry.dispatch (/Applications/<embedded>:11:347598)
at AtomEnvironment.dispatchApplicationMenuCommand (/Applications/<embedded>:1:718718)
at EventEmitter.t (/Applications/<embedded>:1:726641)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:182:13)
-0:05.3.0 proto-repl:toggle (div.tool-panel.tree-view)
Non-Core Packages
busy-signal 2.0.1
ink 0.11.0
intentions 1.1.5
linter 2.3.1
linter-joker 4.1.0
linter-ui-default 1.8.0
lisp-paredit 0.6.0
parinfer 1.23.0
proto-repl 1.4.24
rainbow-delimiters 2.1.2
Downgrading to 0.10.2 helped with the issue. Try: apm install [email protected]
To downgrade ink to version 0.10.2 is not a solution for me as I am using Atom to develop in Julia and Juno needs [email protected] A real solution will be highly appreciated, meanwhile I'll move my learning clojure experience to other IDE.
apm install [email protected] is good solution for me think my friends
Nowadays i'm only working with clojure, so apm install [email protected]
do the trick to me.
Downgrading to @0.10.2 works for me, but with this version I lost autocomplete in my proto-REPL window, as follows
Atom 1.49.0 proto-repl 2.10.0 Ubuntu 18.04
Hi, Any news regarding this?
Also encountering this problem:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'fromId' of undefined
at InkConsole.module.exports.InkConsole.startConsole (/home/paul/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at new InkConsole (/home/paul/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at Repl.module.exports.Repl.consumeInk (/home/paul/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/
at Object.prepareRepl (/home/paul/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/
at Object.toggle (/home/paul/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/
at HTMLElement.subscriptions.add.atom.commands.add.proto-repl:toggle (/home/paul/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/
at CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/usr/lib/atom/src/command-registry.js:405:43)
at CommandRegistry.dispatch (/usr/lib/atom/src/command-registry.js:292:17)
at AtomEnvironment.dispatchApplicationMenuCommand (/usr/lib/atom/src/atom-environment.js:1583:19)
at EventEmitter.outerCallback (/usr/lib/atom/src/application-delegate.js:323:47)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:223:5)
at Object.onMessage (electron/js2c/renderer_init.js:115:818)